Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Snoz just straight up lied to you.

There are 4 posts. one from 2007 that says queue syncing is fine. one from an engadget article that I can’t repost that talks about the whole thing in a back and forth with pvp managers, and a post by holycow referencing the twitter back and forth with an old pvp manager those are both in 2012. Then finall another customer support adming in 2019 saying queue syncing is fine.

They are both up on this forum post and on Yo Blizzard are you paying attention? - #611 by Kaledin-uther

You will have to go there and search for engadget to see that one as I can’t post outside linkes.

first post about queue syncing from 2007…

Second post about the 2012 changes

Can’t post the engadget one but search this thread for engadget

Final post about queue syncing

All found here but whatever