Premade random BG groups and sync queuing

Hello, everyone.

As most PvPers know, ever since the dawn of queuing for battlegrounds, queue syncing has been used to bypass restrictions imposed by the game design on random BG grouping .

For years, we’ve been getting vague (non-)answers, and as the issue is getting increasingly more rampant and disrupting, I’d like some clarification on what’s Blizzard’s official stance on this.

Many topics regarding it have been left unanswered, and when some answers on similar topics are given, they are contradictory with Blizzard’s past stances on the same subject, specially the one from 2012, which is the only one filled with complete argumentation, so here I am, asking for an up-to-date answer for this simple question:

Are multiple premade groups, organizing themselves to sync queue together for the same BG, specially epic BGs, as a pseudo-raid group, using outside comms, seen as “ok”, by Blizzard?

To be quite honest, even a 5 man group (or 2+ groups) is too much in non-epic random BGs, but this is way beyond that.

And considering the in-game UI does not allow for direct raid grouping in random BGs, I think this should be considered a borderline, if not explicit, exploit.

Even if not, it’s clearly a disruption of player experience, shunning players from the mode, which is also in-line with a previous statement from Blizzard regarding this practice, albeit specifically when using a now-dead addon for it, though the method is really not the crux of the issue here.

Previous answers on the subject




Current GD topic on the subject

Previous, unanswered topics on the same issue. Just a small sample.


The blues here arent dev this topic been extensive covered multiple times u even linked a blue post. If blizzard didnt allow it it wouldve stoped yeats ago maybe its time to stop beating a dead horse.


They aren’t developers but have far easier access to developers when compared to regular customers.

I have linked 3 blue posts, 1 explicitly allowing it, from 2007, one explicitly rebuking it, from 2012, and a very vague 2019 one.

Multiboxing via software automation (the only effective one) was also “allowed” (as in not explicitly forbidden) for many years until it was not.

As usual, it’s a matter of scaling, and times change.
An official, current statement on the issue, would settle it.

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There was just a thread on this recently. Wanting the same exact thing. I’m trying to put my finger on it but I think it may have been shuffled off to another forum.

The long and the short of it is - you’re not going to get anything more than a vague-ish answer, if you even get that. The staff that mans this forum, theyre SFAs. They do not make policy, and the rarely say anything that can be seen as “gospel”.

If Blizzard wanted to put a stop to this practice, they would have long before now. They would break the ability or start throwing out sanctions if they believed there was something being illegally exploited.


In summary, they can’t categorically respond whether that behavior is tolerated to a certain extent or allowed in its entirety, is that it?

That in itself would already be a satisfactory answer to me and many others.

It was moved to arena forums.

You are correct, it got shuffled off to the BGs subforum.

We are likely at or approaching the point where there are enough active threads on this topic that making more is crossing the line into spam.


It’s not in their purview. It is not in the GM’s wheelhouse either, so tickets would be moot. They only ones who would make that decision are the Devs - and unfortunately for all of us, they’re the most incommunicative bunch,

Folks make incorrect assumptions all the time about CS because our SFAs are really the only active and interactive Blues people see. But they don’t relay along feedback or have explicit answers like what you and the PvP community would love to have. With the Devs, it is mostly one-way reporting. You’re not going to get a response back. Not just for this topic, but for any topic.

I’m sorry these aren’t the answers you’re looking for. If you believe someone is cheating or exploiting the system? Then by all means, report them. If the GMs look over things and believe that player’s actions are considered cheating, they will handle it as they will.

Yup! Had just found it a moment ago. OP, if you want to peruse this other threat, you certainly may. It originated here on CS, but the mods bumped it over into the PvP forums so the Devs and their staff could make note of it.


I wasn’t aware, thanks for pointing it out.

Was it this one?

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I’d expect this thread to either get the same treatment, or to be locked and/or deleted for spamming.

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Thank you very much for your feedback!

No need I’ll “lock it” myself by not replying anymore. Thanks as well.

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This is not necessarily the case as evidenced by the fact that the same thing occured with multiboxers and the oft used response was exactly yours. Except many years later, blizz did do something about it. So the argument of “if they didn’t allow it it would have been stopped yeats ago” is not a valid argument.

We are simply asking for blizz to properly weigh in on the matter just like they did for the multiboxing issue which also pervaded the game (and was posted/argued about countless times) for many years before finally being addressed.


As of now, people queue syncing is allowed, Blizzard killed the addon many years ago automating it. They will do nothing to those on discord or other voice chat going “3… 2… 1… Click the button”.

As for Multiboxing, it’s still allowed, you just cannot use software to make it easier.


As has been discussed in this thread (Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already), there is no blue response I am aware of that aggrees with your statement. The line you quoted does not mean premade sync queuing raids is allowed. It is open to interpretation.

I am aware. That wasn’t the point. The point was that it was eventually addressed and explicit rules were established. The same cannot be said for the topic at hand.

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And you wont get a clear cut answer hear even asking for a blue is a grey area.


Well you should probably tell that to the people (like Ghaztruk in this very thread), who continually use these random blue snippets to do exactly that. I agree with you. Our argument is that no such statement has been released by blizz. We are simply raising awareness of that fact.

There is this… The whole quote, not “random” snippets


There isn’t. That quote does not prove that as discussed in the thread I linked already. I’m not going to go over the same arguments again in this thread. Please refer to Darthwraith’s response.

okay, what ever…

I though this was pretty clear.


Again, this has been addressed ad nauseam. It is certainly not clear at all.