Somvra's suggestions for Sombra. 💟

Somvra’s Ideal changes to Sombra :sparkling_heart:

  • Reduce her Stealth’s Delay from 0.7 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Somvra Comments: With all these changes, it will help Sombra from feel so less clunky, as the delay hinders her a hero. With this she can move in and out of Stealth more fluently.


  • EMP when activated now resets Sombra’s Translocator

Somvra Comments: Many typically use this following combo
→ Translocate - Stealth- EMP- Translocate out. This change will help promote more way to contribute and play aggressive without hindering nor leaving your team with a 5v6.

Base Movement Speed

  • Increase from 5.5mph to 6.0mph

Somvra Comments: This thread below explains it all. Link Below.


  • Now display a sugar skull above the hacked opponent head.

Somvra Comments: This is a nice QoL changes that can also help not only the player who is playing Sombra, but also the team to notified a better visual of who is hacked.

These are changes I would like to see first.

Here is another great idea that can be encoded into the sugar skull icon QoL Buff.

EDIT: I want to add self-heal ultimate charge for only when Sombra heals herself with an hacked health pack, as I don't think that would make her overpowered/ broken at all.
  • Frustration of Why She Needs These Changes.

pls give this thread attention

and fix sombra bugs I know we sometimes hate sombra and she is annoying but she doesn’t deserve to have her buggy as heck :frowning:


Agreed. I will revive this thread some more in the morning time that way more people can view it.

But it’s ironic that she is basically half computer/ tech but got some many Viruses (Bugs) that hinders her. I think it time for an upgrade Sombra. :wink:


What if Hack/Stun can now disable Transformation ultimate during its cast time, but cannot be interrupted once the ultimate is active?

For example:
If Soldier gets hacked while pulling down the Tactical Visor, the ultimate is interrupted with no refund, but once he has pulled down the Tactical Visor, the ultimate cannot be interrupted.

If Genji gets hacked while pulling out the Dragonblade, Dragonblade is cancelled, but once he has pulled out the blade, the ultimate cannot be interrupted.

I feel that it is better to buff what Sombra is good at (hacking) and not buff something she has weakness at (mobility at cooldown)


Primary thing they need to fix are her bugs. She’s literally becoming Doomfist with these bugs in her kit.

I think stealth should still have a delay coming out but not going in since the time it takes to actually go into stealth is too slow since on your screen you think your invis but for a brief second your not to the enemy making you easy to shoot out of it. Or at the very least the delay should be lowered.

I like the translocator reset but at the same time I feel it might actually be too much since EMP really doesn’t have much counterplay aside from hiding behind a wall or your team not paying attention. For her to throw herself in the middle of 6 people, hack all of them then teleport out might grant too much reward for very little risk. That’s especially true if you have your stealth off cooldown then you can teleport, go invis and reposition in only a few seconds. Maybe a better idea would be to give her invinciblity frames when she EMPs similar to Mercy 1.0 with res so while she’s doing it she doesn’t take a lot of chip damage.

But I’m glad I’m seeing more fourms talking about Sombra because she does need changes and either the devs are too busy it’s the upcoming reworks to worry about her right now (which I understand) or they are but aren’t going to reveal anything until their confident in what their doing with her.


Nice suggestions.

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I agree with this. Not game breaking changes like damage or hp but it would help her slightly especially the stealth.

1st. Bless you for play sombra on xbox i know the struggle is real and i have a hard time with her in arcade.
2nd. what do you think as a sombra main for having a buddy with you in the backline?
ht tps://


I’ve said it the following in many other threads.

Stealth really needs zero cast time for entering stealth and damage should no longer remove stealth .

Giving an enemy warning that you are exiting stealth is understandable. Warning them that you are going into stealth kinda defeats the whole purpose doesn’t it?

I also find it hilarious that to make sure that your stealth doesn’t get cancelled by random damage, you are forced to move along side passages and alleys where no one can see you in the first place.:joy:

Remove the stealth and just give her a 20 m/s sprint. It’d be less redundant. :rofl:


Pls see these types of threads devs, you promised you’d keep an eye on sombra yet here we are - sombra has amongst the lowest pick and winrates in the game.

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Aggressive translocating is one of the best parts of Sombrero’s kit, she’s one of the best chase down characters in game but its just too risky to use most of the time. This change would be huge.

Edit: Autocorrected to Sombrero…


I always thought that should happen as Hack should be more so unique than the regular stun abilities.

Hopefully, my idea is to reduce the delay that she current have. I am not trying to completely get rid of th delay because we had a bug months ago where she can cancel the delay entirely and although she felt really fluid, many cried about that bug.

Thank you so much.

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Keep the delay going out of stealth, but remove the delay going into stealth entirely. I prefer having stealth as a somewhat reliable escape option to use translocator more offensively.

Popping out of stealth faster encourages assassin type of gameplay and discourages hacking people which she should be about imo.

Besides that love the suggestions. Might want to add invisibility for her translocator while using stealth. This opens up more aggressive positioning with it.


Thank you so much.

  1. Yes it is so frustrating playing her on console as console have so many limitation, but I am a faithful Sombra Main, as I wreck with her entirely.

  1. Yes having a buddy with me in the backline makes job so much easier, but that applies to every hero.

Agreed with you completely. :sweat_smile:

Yes it is highly frustrating, all that we want is just confirmation or any form of information/ reply about Sombra.

Agreed. There are so many times that I want to play aggressive, but simply can not due to her kit having so many limitation/ Delay (down time).

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This, I never understand why this is not a thing. When I am in stealth, why isn’t the translator stealth or even the directional indicator not invisible when I translocate while I am in stealth.


Silly Sombra mains. You can’t buff Sombra. What if she starts seeing around 2% play again? That would just be outrageous!
