Somvra's suggestions for Sombra. 💟

Some improvements I think would be good for Sombra:

A) Have Sombra’s stealth time deplete only if she is moving. Allowing her to sit in places undetected and scope out the situation so she can make her next move.

B) If she gets hit in stealth, she could show up faintly when hit but not make her completely out of stealth mode. She can be easily nicked by a stray bullet, giving away her location.

C) The time coming out of stealth is a bit dramatic. Blizzard should just decrease the time slightly when coming out of stealth before you can act.

D) For someone who is suppose to hack robots and such, why is it next to impossible for Sombra to hack Torbjorn’s turret. You would think she would be a hard counter for him even though it seems like the complete opposite.

I hope Blizzard considers making some type of changes like this to Sombra soon, because right now, she just seems kinda situational.


I’d hate to break it to ya’ but I don’t think they will be changing Sombra anytime soon. :frowning_face:


Your buff ideas for Stealth are super cool! I agree with you that her stealth should only reveal her slightly upon taking damage instead of getting her out of it, and as much as I love the idea of her stealth meter only depleting while she’s moving, it would make her RIDICULOUS at stalling objectives.


I love all these buff ideas! This on top of bug fixes would make Sombra amazing! Preferably Sombra not getting stealth canceled from damage would be amazing, too. If she was revealed temporarily (like when she’s too close to a target while invis), that’d be a really solid stealth buff.


They just need to reduce the hack interupt by 1 second and she’s good.


I don’t like the Trabslocator suggestion, mostly because it doesn’t do much. It’s a four second cooldown and your team should be with you when you EMP anyway.

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I see a lot of people wanting her stealth activation and decloaking to be instant. If the community thought it was unfair to have a .65s hack with the leniency I can almost guarantee that instant cloaking and decloaking would torture the community. I don’t think it would work out well. I play a lot of sombra, it sounds good to us mains but it would be a nightmare to play against. Just make an easy change and increase her damage a bit. Or increase hack range, or do things that make her gameplay better and more fluid but don’t make it so her kit doesn’t have counters. The invisibility needs limits or else it will feel awful to play against.


For me, I’d like more control of my direction I face coming out of translocator.
An ideal change for me:
Let tl be cancelable, and instead of warping to it, sombra Can just disappear for a second and reappear right where she’s standing. This puts her more in a trickster playstyle.

I like your translocator suggestion as well!

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Well maybe they can have it so that it still depletes while standing still but it goes down less dramatically. That would fix it.

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They need to revert the line-of-sight nerf to hack.


Are you suggesting they going to nerf Mercy again for the millionth time instead of tuning up Sombra? :wink:

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Silly me, I don’t want the pros to alternative there play style. So no buff for Sombra. :wink:

That is the saddest part of it all honestly.

Thank you so much, and yeah… maybe one day we will get some recognition.


You believe so?

I also think she should get a fire rate increase from 20 to 30 rps and a reload time of 1.35


it’s okay, these are only suggestion however, typically Sombra mains throw translocator at a safe distance, go invisible, EMP and typically end up translocating back if taken certain amount of damage.

All this is doing is the same function with Genji and his reset when using his ultimate. This allows aggressive plays, and allow the sombra to use translocator more offensively.

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I see it too, as that is no toy goal, but I do want it to be reduced. Months ago there was a glitch that allowed Sombra to cancel her delay entirely, as it felt so good and fluent, many cried saying there was no time to react.

At this point any change… couldn’t hurt?

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Honestly, but I am afraid that revert is not in the book of dictionary Blizzard edition.

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