Sombra's Golden Arm Detail Idea

Stress, depressed.
But well dressed. I’m en fuego!

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She need some tweaking her and there to her kit.

I made some post talking about it, that I can link to her for people to check it out.

Welcome to the club mi amigos :heart_eyes:

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Or we could just get Ult from health packs again. That’d be nice.

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I wouldn’t call it her Secondary fire. It’s just an ability on the right mouse button. Like how you wouldn’t call Rein’s shield his secondary fire.

But I agree it’s such a big part of her kit it should be made gold and now that I think about it her left shift also uses the arm right? Even more reason.

Also this reminds me Rein’s wrist where his shield comes out should be golden since Brig’s shield is golden.

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Here is the Links for my other Sombra’s threads.

Check them out, and leave a comment on the thread to share ideas. :blue_heart:

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I would like this to happen regarding gold gun enhancenents.

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I mean one can argue that this. Let’s talk Roadhog for an example. His primary is his scrape gun, however, his hook is effected by golden weapon as well.

Reinhardt’s Shield is basically like his secondary weapon as well, as I seen many suggestion saying that his emblem in the middle of his shield should be effected by golden weapon too.

So would I, it would be a small QoL Change for Sombra to make her look stylish.

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Somvra do you happen to be a fellow console player as well?

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Sadly I am :sweat_smile: XBOX FOR THE WIN.

As am I, both console and Xbox

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Nice, maybe we can play sometime.

That sounds like a fair idea

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Indeed it does.

I would love this sooo much

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I knew you would :blue_heart:

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Sombra is AMAZING!!! :heart::heart:

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I’d love this, and more gold on all weapons too.
Junkrat’s mines, traps, or tire for example (Could be toggleable because he might need to hide them) plus his grenades
Hanjo has golden arrows
Torb and sym have gold outlines on their turret, etc.

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We need dis :o ! Please papa jef

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