⭐️ Who needs a SCOUT in Overwatch?!

What I want for Sombra is a 10 damage health bar on hack. So it doesn’t drop so easy (obviously I want those hack bugs fixed too). Maybe also a 5 point damage increase and/or increase her clip by 10.

On a side note, I play on PS4 and really want to remove the interact button because I hit it way to wa easy without realizing. It’s pressing L3, which is the movement joystick. I hate it T__T Any recommendations if I should just swap punch and interact? Does anyone else have this issue, what is it default for CP? It’s awful.

Mmm, you seem to mix up “I’m a better soldier than I am sombra” with “Soldier does Sombra’s job but better”, which is blatantly false.

Soldier is like McCree but consistent, instead of burst. His abilities literally make him the “Jack of all trades, master of none”. Which obviously is NOT what Sombra does.

Sombra requires big brains, lots of micro and macro interactions, kind of like Zarya.

Yes, I understand she’s still UP, but I think she needs to stay that way, or it’ll screw up OW horribly, like sym or torb. Just reminds me of TF2, and how classes like Engineer and Spy are lower tier picks in 6’s. If one of those were the same pickrate as medic, they’d be so OP they’d decide games, and BE the game. Can’t happen, literally just can’t. Blizzard made a hero that risks their competitive life if they make her OP.

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um… okay lol.

How fast she resets for the next fight is hurt by the changes but it is still dependent on the Sombra player’s skill. I have to disagree again, before the changes she was the fastest to reset and now she’s just a tad slower.

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Uh huh. You realize you’re just making people ignore your statements with ridiculous phrases like these?

I was talking about impact, not the role the character plays. Soldier can still find impact, even if his team is completely garbage. He can still force the issue and push his way onto point if needed. He can still hold his ground on an objective, even if only for a few seconds. Sombra can’t. As soon as her team disappears, Sombra crumbles. She has to wait for her team to achieve anything before she can have any impact outside of EMP. And to even get impact from Sombra takes way more skill than it would take to achieve the same level of impact if not more from characters like Tracer, Genji, Cree or Widow.

I’m not saying Soldier can do her job, but he can do his own with much less skill requirements and he can find more impact doing so.

With much less impact than Zarya. And much less margin for error.

This is the part I never understand. How would balancing a hero like Sombra ever break the game? DF is punching in way higher numbers (no pun intended) than Sombra does, has a more dominating feel when playing against him and has more CC than Sombra does. Rein has more CC than Sombra does. Brig has more CC than Sombra does. Yet no one argues that they need to remain underpowered for the sake of OW (they want Brig nerfed, but not deleted at least the reasonable ones). There is a way to balance Sombra, and Somvra’s threads are filled with suggestions, ideas and concepts that could work much more efficiently and balance her a lot better than the path Blizzard is taking her.

But it seems like Blizzard, the community doesn’t want to listen to us because “hack is unfun to play against”.

After a fight, McCree just needs to be topped up on health and he’s good to go again. Tracer just needs a moment to find a health pack, Rein needs a couple of seconds to regain his shield etc etc.
But Sombra? Sombra has to reposition herself in their backlines again, she needs to set up her translocator where it won’t be found but still close enough to the fight that teleporting to it won’t remove her from for any longer than needed.

And then she needs wait for her team to make a move so she has the opportunity to pounce on someone, assuming that opportunity ever presents itself.

She takes much longer to reset herself and prep for the next fight than any other character. Everyone else can just huddle around the healers and objective for a bit while their cds reset, but Sombra has to push out and position herself well before the fight even starts. So yes, she is the slowest character in game in terms of pacing, not movement speed.

Edit: Linking Somvra’s threads to show what we have suggested, nothing major just minor buffs here and there. Almost none of them revolve directly around buffing hack.

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If you ever wanted to have Hack with bonus dps for Sombra, that would be a small amount like 5% at best. More it would be too punishing to support and it would encourage only sit-on-spawn gameplay only.

I’m bad at explaining, but I’m gonna try once more…

Okay so, Engineer for example again, has teleporters, a dispenser (Heals and ammo) and a sentry gun. Medic has heals and an ubercharge, but is 100x better? Weird isn’t it.

Anyways, imagine if Engineer was so good he could bring the same heals to the table as Medic, that would be chaos, since he on paper has 10x more utility. It would completeeeeely destroy the meta, and the game.

Now Sombra, let me compare her to widowmaker. Widow, you NEED to be good to use her. Sombra? Probably need a little less aim skill, and use a mic more often. Widow’s utility = Potential insta kills, and punishes slow comps. Sombra’s utility? I’ll only name a few here… Potential complete silence on a hero, making them completely useless (For example, D.Va/Tracer.) making them free kills. She can scout an entire team at the start of a round now, so you can MOVE your setup before they even peek. You can silence an ENTIRE TEAM with your ultimate, which is better than wallhacks imho. But it’s the same role widow has, slow push killer, and potential to get a free kill fast. Imagine if Sombra was so strong she could do it better than Widowmaker, how absolutely stupid this game would be, however they would do that, she COULD be that.

All in all, certain designed heroes CANNOT be OP, and it’s not all about “But he has CC” and “But he’s annoying to play against”…

I should probably mention I used to play TF2 competitively (5.5k hours in all) and currently play competitively in OW, but again I absolutely blow at explaining.

Again, how long that takes is fully dependent on the player’s skill with Sombra. For a good Sombra, it takes no time at all. By the time the enemies have respawned, Sombra has hacked a health pack, thrown trans to a weird spot or towards where her healers will be, and started running towards their spawn.

Or if it’s after a losing fight, she can get there quickly and discreetly, hack a health pack, throw a trans, and watch their strategy while her team moves in, making calls as necessary for where her team should go or what they should do. It takes so little time and she’s practically guaranteed to be safe while she does it.

I hate to say this because I don’t want it to sound like I’m insulting you, but maybe you just aren’t a very good Sombra and project that onto the character as a whole. Maybe you’re just better with McCree and Tracer and whoever else. Sombra is a different beast entirely, a good McCree could have no clue how to play Sombra.

I get what you’re saying, don’t get me wrong I had a love/hate relationship with the engie and I was a spy main in TF2, so I get where you’re coming from. You explained it well enough, but I’m more confused as to why our favourite character must remain underpowered for the sake of the game.

I’m not asking for this in the slightest, I don’t want Sombra to become even remotely close to being meta. I want her to stay niche, but I want her to have more impact. This meta, its slow, sniper based with a lot of barriers and supports. This should be the kind of meta Sombra decimates since its so ability and synergy reliant. But she doesn’t because her utility is cancelled out by pocketing someone for a bit and she can’t do enough on her own to outweigh the 5 v 6 playing her forces upon your team.
Minor things like upping her base movement speed to match the other flankers and maybe tightening her spread by something like 5% and going from there is all a lot of Sombra players are asking for. Minor things to get her started before they towards addressing the more problematic areas to buff like stealth and hack.

With her CDs, it takes her less time to reset than many other character. Mercy? Hamtaro? Torbjörn anyhow. Symmetra? I’d argue even Bastion takes longer because for him it always involves walking somewhere and finding a good moment and spot to collapse.

Sombra? She just throws a new translocator, goes invis again, done. She’s super-snappy to play, and in fact her rework made this part of her non-frustrating, Before, yes, she used to be annoying to relocate with.

EMP and Hack is some of the biggest non-kill/rez impact thing I can think of right now.



That can be said for all heroes, however its undeniable that standing around being healed for a bit (which is all it takes for majority of the roster) is a lot faster and takes a lot less effort than the set up needed for Sombra to join in the next team fight.

And in a shorter time frame, Widow walked back up the stairs or grappled onto the high ground and is set for the next fight. Tracer has her cds reset and has been topped up by the nearest support or health pack.
Sombra is a slow paced character, since she needs to set up her positioning, translocator and manage her stealth all before the fight even starts with poke. The exceptions of course are the builders and probably Bastion, who needs to reposition as the fight breaks out otherwise he gets swamped easily.

I’m fully aware that I wasn’t even close to being a good Sombra but I can say I have more time in her than most of the playerbase and I knew her mechanics and cooldowns inside and out, I just hadn’t started to master her yet. And yes, I am much better as Cree since he’s my main. But even still, I can get more impact out of Tracer (who I mained during season 3 - 4 or something like that) and I haven’t played her consistently for well over 5 seasons now. Besides the silence everything, Sombra can do someone else can do more efficiently.

Mercy has auto regen and has her full kit ready for the next fight (excluding rez, but if she had that every fight she’d be more of a must-pick than she already is).

Just needs to be healed up and position himself in a spot where he can flank and dive. That’s about it for him.

I’ll give you these ones, she doesn’t take as long as the builders and the static defenders since they need to be ready to move their entire set up once the fight breaks out.

She also needs to make her way into the opponent’s backline, wait for a weak link to expose themselves then pounce. And if she doesn’t get the kill within a clip she needs to translocate out and start the whole process again (regardless of whether or not the fights over) since she has no way to sustain herself in a 1 v 1.

Sombra with cooldowns and a speed boost had a flow to the character, as stealth came off cooldown you could throw a translocator -> cloak and teleport -> use the speed boost to cross a large distance -> uncloak and use translocator again. She had much more burst mobility than she does now and on top of that she now has to be way more careful with her translocator since stray damage is a major risk to it.
The new Sombra just feels clunkier, but not just because of the movement speed changes. She’s lost her fast paced rhythm, her flow.

Not going to argue against EMP, everyone knows that’s a game changer if used properly.
However hack can be cancelled out by Brig armour and some Mercy healing assuming your team doesn’t dump everything on the hacked target (lets face it, even at the highest level that isn’t always possible). But I’m not asking for either of these to be buffed, they’re mostly fine outside of the few bugfixes they need.

What needs to be addressed is her lack of followup on her own hack. At most, it forces characters to use their primary only much like Sombra already does. Outside of Lucio, Doomfist and a couple of others, most heroes still have the potential to win the fight against Sombra. I don’t want her own version of discord, but perhaps an opportunist approach like I mentioned above would allow her to find the impact to close out fights like she’s meant to. Sombra is meant to be the nail in the coffin after all.

5% is literally nothing. 25% impacts only her. Discord is still in the game with no cast time, cooldown, 30% bonus damage taken, AND a longer range. That won’t be op.

That doesn’t give her the Assassin role, it just gives her an unnecessary advantage against hacked targets. They’re already hacked, they don’t need to lose every fight against Sombra because she also gets a damage buff.

Instead just make her Opportunist give her the 25% damage buff to targets below 50% health. That gives her more incentive to go to the backline and pick off weaker targets, and it gives her the damage she needs to break through healing pockets.

She’s not a scout. Shes a SPY THAT CAN"T TRICKSTAB.

Well it wouldn’t make up for the stupid things Blizzard has done it would just add to them.

Thinking it’s okay for a character to be OP simply because they have been weak for a long time is dumb.

I like the scout angle. We already have a ninja assassin and we have enough pure dps heroes. I think she fills a neat role.

Did you know that the Spy is considered useless against organized players? You might get 1 kill, then it’s time to switch. At least in TF2 it worked, because they couldn’t see your team comp by pressing Tab, and wouldn’t know you stopped playing Spy, wasting there time on checking for him while you played something effective.

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