Reinhardt- It's Nerf or Nothing! Let's Do This!šŸ˜

Bastion needs some love, Roadhog needs a buff, Brigitte should not be able to harass Rein so easily, Brigitte is fine, have you guys heard about xenoblade? Unovatā€™s the best gen, Mei main passing through, Silent sword of nice Genji Terranguarding Nice Doomfist from the Sundragon so that it wonā€™t become a Sunset Hippo and fade into the Wyoming Mist before it can become Rich, C what Iā€™m trying to convey? All Iā€™m asking for is somvra-iety in the forums. Donā€™t worry, though, my story isnā€™t over until I get infected with Malware am I Goatymcgoat-ing with this, you ask?

To be honest, I donā€™t know. So instead, ā€œHow was your day?ā€ and in case you never saw this;

(Donā€™t ask what you read, just take a moment to take it in, itā€™s a garbage post and perhaps, my last.)

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ā€œPerhaps my lastā€
Where the hell do you think youā€™re going? JellyandJam needs you.

Hereā€™s my response to the title

For reals though, #HelpOurFavoriteGermanElder

I agree 100%

Post this again, but in english this time

Another ARG? :thinking: