S9: Comp progress bar resets to 0% instead of rank up

This has happened to me twice now.

I am in plat 3, and I climb up the progress bar to almost plat 2 I’ll be right at the end (99%+) or it’ll look like I should have gone to plat 2 and unfortunately lose the next game to definitely make me plat 2Which is alright but why does it send me back to 0% in plat 3? I never ranked up to plat 2 and the progress bar showed I lost 3% to be a 0% plat 3…?

Has anyone else seen something similar? I was diamond 3 before the rank rest this season so I know I’m able to climb out but the game isn’t letting me.


I am having a similar issue in dia3. Everytime I fill the bar up completely, it just resets instead of ranking me up. I’ve filled the bar 3 times, and every time it just resets to the start of dia 3 instead of ranking me up to dia 2. It’ll let me rank down, though!


Yeah it let me rank down to plat 4 after it reset again and I had another loss, allowed me to climb back to plat 3 just never to plat 2 so.
I was annoyed when after my placement put me so far below diamond but now also not letting me climb back up is horrible. Not much point in playing the game since I play it for Comp


I’m also experiencing this, haven’t found a fix for it yet.


I am having this issue, but at D2. Should be at D1, 25%, but instead I’m at D2, 25%, after filling up the entire D2 bar then winning twice


Update: just won a game that should have put me up a rank. It said I got 1%… 1% for a win??? See if the next game ranks me up if I win. I have a photo of this if the devs want to see it let me know how to send it to you?

I just want to be allowed to rank back to diamond…

Update 2: I won’t the next game. Reset me to the bottom of plat 3 and gave me 20%. So now I’m plat3 again with 80% to go to the top…. AGAIN. This is like the 4th time I’ve filled the bar. How many times do I need to prove I’m good enough to rank up?


I have the same issue. I was close to ranking up to plat 4 and then won only to find out I’m still in plat 5. After a couple of wins it says I’m still in plat 5 with 33 % of progress. The icons on the left and right or in the middle haven’t changed at all. I hope this is just a visual bug, but I’m afraid it resets my SR in numbers every time as well, because the matchmaking still puts me into games with players in plat 5.


It doesn’t seem to be a visual bug because the levels of games I’m put into are still in and around plat 3 for me. If it were a visual bug the amount of times I’ve filled the bar I should be easily back to diamond now. I’m not sure what’s going on I’m just hoping a dev will make a reply soon


Yup! This happens to me even when I win it will randomly reset me to like 20% rank completion


Make a comment on the following thread, it’s currently the biggest for this issue so maybe devs will see it if you comment there.

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same happens to me, feels like playing quick so annoying fix this soon

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Same thing happening to me.

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Same issue here I should’ve ranked up 5 times now but it’s impossible to get into gold now.

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Also had the same issue with gold 1 to plat 5. Filled the bar up then next game reset back to begining of gold 1.


this seems to be happening to me too. It keeps saying I progress 100% up to the next rank but then the next game the bar starts back at 0% and I’m still in the same rank.


I cant rank up past plat 3 the bar fills all the way up then I win my next game and it resets me to plat 3 0% instead of plat 2 this has happened 4 times now. I have screenshots if needed.

How can this not be fixed already ??? Isn’t comp the only point of playing this game ?

This happened to me twice in the past week at the bare minimum - is there a backend override to current ranks or something? Will this be fixed?

Yeah same here, tried to rank up twice today but just keeps resetting. No point in playing until its fixed


same problem here , comp dosent work

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