šŸ¦ The Last BASTION of Hope (A Community Made Bastion Ultrathread) OVER 300 LIKES!11!

:bird: :bird: The last BASTION of Hope (A Community Made Bastion Ultrathread) :bird: :bird:

This is a thread that I can not claim that I made by myself, this is a culmination of all the ideas that us Bastion mains have put together to try to see some form of change happen for our favorite ā€œWalking-Gatling Gunā€
Currently, as of today (The day that I started making this) April 10th 2018, Bastion is the lowest picked character at every tier gold and above.

Bastion Pick Rates

Bronze 2.09%
Silver 1.10%
Gold 0.56%
Platinum 0.33%
Diamond 0.21%
Masters 0.15%
Grandmasters 0.23%
Overall 0.58%

Since feel like I canā€™t do quite as good of job at explaining his issues like many of the Bastion mains can I am going to leave a quote here.

Click here to see The Problem

Now There are four main camps that Bastion mains fall into when it comes to changing this character

The Camps

Here is a more fleshed out version of the camps as seen by my friend,

Which one do you agree with? Maybe Iā€™ll make a poll later :slight_smile:

Camp 1

Any ways letā€™s begin with camp 1

This Camp basically asks for a full revert of Sentry while leaving the Recon Changes. In a nutshell that means this:
Old Spread and Headshots are reinstated.
Old transformation time reinstated.
200 ammo clips
As my friend here says,

Camp 2 Very good video demonstration for A shield idea. For those of you who do not want to watch it. It gives Bastion his own shield that that has 300hp, drains from the same resource as his healing, and only recharges in Recon.

Camp 3 Here is kinda the catch all area so Iā€™m gonna post a few ideas that I liked.

These are some ideas it doesnā€™t mean that they are exactly fleshed out though and probably will need some work, but they were the ones I felt should be mentioned.

These are some ideas it doesnā€™t mean that they are exactly fleshed out though and probably will need some work but they were the ones I felt should be mentioned.

Camp 4

General Changes

Also Blizzard Golden Tank Barrel and Flight of the Valkyries voice line please!!!

There you have it, A culmination of the thoughts that we had Discussed, not just Bastion mains, but people that took their time to respond. Special Thanks!















And Kolorblind for playing Bastion the best out of all of us :blush:

But of all you Blizzard for making this game and this character that we love.

Sources Overbuff

`Bastion is being forgotten

`Bastion Megathread On His Current Situation *Bug Fixed!* - #189 by JaredMnstr-2554

EDIT: Thank all of you for your views and your likes! Hopefully the Devs will find this and bless us with some word on our nature loving omnic. :smile:


Or you could post in the 995 post topic right below yours entitled Bastion is being forgotten.

h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/stop-sign-bastion-is-being-forgotten/32040/3


blizzard literally doesnt care what we want. This thread will go unnoticed, nothing will change. Typical blizzard


Why canā€™t you play bastion?! pick whatever heroes you want, why should we care about bastions pickrates

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It has been stated a few times that Blizzard doesnā€™t post in long threads, plus the ideas are spread through out that topic. I tried to make the ideas more accessible for others :slight_smile:


Most of us are tired of out character being considered a throw pick in comp.
The point for the pickrate is it is showing that there is very rarely anytime that you can play him.

Even Pirate Ship on Junkertown is no longer a viable option like it was before.


We prefer to give constructive feedback on current state of bastion, in hope that devs can look into him at one point.

Right now all we gotta do is wait.


Ah hereā€™s the thread


*Classic Blizzardā€¦

Bastion can be a really strong charcter at the start of games, but once players know he is being used, his effectiveness decreases greatly.

Now that headshots have been removed, spread at range gets maybe 2-3 shots for ever 25+ bullets you shoot.

Characters can just run into your face and jump around you to make aiming difficult.

Its sad because bastion can be fun, but at the same time he can be a massive pain to deal with.


From this thread I still love the idea that he should get up and move around to pick up scrap? or something similar and put a recon mine somewhere. Anything to encourage him to move around for the max efficiency use of Bastion. I feel like Blizzard wont work towards making his sentry better, might as well give him a new ability or something in recon.

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Honestly I just want something for him.

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Itā€™s about value in competitive. Bastion currently offers less value as a glass cannon than Tracer does, less Tank busting than reaper does, and less area protection than Torb does. His niche is done better than other characters, while having too many negatives to make up for it all. Lack of Mobility is not just a nail in the coffin itā€™s all the nails, and a 50 foot burial. He needs more damage in order to compensate for that mobility problem.

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Recon is a worse Soldier 76, it should not be encouraged more than sentry. Thatā€™s like telling Phara to just pretend she is a Junkrat who canā€™t bounce his grenades. Recon should ALWAYS be the crutch between sentry set up points, else just play soldier. (IMO!)

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Even specialer thanks for putting me on the list.

Damn Iā€™m glad our voices are getting heard though.


I wouldnā€™t go THAT far, but like all strategies, there will be a counter found, and a way to deal with it learned over time.

The reality is that itā€™s his best spot in the game currently, and ever since the 20% IC change, it became his only viable spotā€¦ =(

Like I said itā€™s a Bastion main community thread. :slight_smile: I didnā€™t make this on my own.


You donā€™t get what Iā€™m trying to say. People will complain if sentry gets more powerful because ā€œit takes no skill not fun to play against blah blah blahā€ Do you think blizzard is going to do something for sentry. I wish they would but I am just imagining what they could do to not encourage turtling or whatever people hate to fight against.

Oh yeah, Btw just wanna let you know I made a forum to make Eradicator from Null Sector a playable character. Check it out, Maybe if Blizzard keeps nerfing Bastion this could be a unique shield tank for Bastion if no one likes the rest.

Itā€™s called ā€œ:exclamation:The Null Sector Eradicator wouldā€™ve made such a good tank to play asā€

If they only make recon better, then I will never play Bastion again. It defeats the purpose of being a turret. I love the barrier bust, brute force high risk high reward style. But again, Soldier already exists, why make Bastion a carbon copy with less utility, and a vastly larger hitbox?