Bastion is being forgotten

that makes no sense as a hanzo I think bastion would be better with a spring like sonic in Super smash

Instead of the Overclock? Or is this just something else not relating to my idea?

Your dude summons dragons out of his exposed nipple, I don’t think you have room to suggest a robot war machine cannot climb a wall slower than said ninja.


I still like the idea of some form of vertical mobility

I litterally suggested giving him a spring that would make him jump up high and quickly? What is your problem?

I think the spring is much sillier, and would sooner fit Symmetra, who is actually about building odd gadgets from nothing.

A more fitting idea is Bastion have a super-jump. It would have a casting time as Bastion crouches and coils, building up power in its legs, before leaping to a chosen location. Sort of like Reaper’s Shadow Step.

It would be less effective as an attack than Winston’s jump because of the casting time.


In all honesty what would make the most sense is if he had a mine like junk to properly himself forward though I don’t look at Bastions legs that often I just don’t see that as being MORE realistic than a spring.

I don’t believe he means unrealistic as much as not fitting the character. I think a spring would fit Torb more then Symetra or Bastion.


A bounce pad would fit Sym because it’s a weird energy thingy on the ground.


This will be op but having an Reconfiguration: Apache will be the most fun thing ever.


Yeah like a gravity lift from Halo. Seems perfect actually


I was following a thread earlier for Bastion getting a personal shield. What do you guys think?

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depends on how it’s deployed and its strength. I think a toggled one on E for sentry with like 500 something HP would be cool. If toggled on, well, obviously it’s on. But while toggled off, it will regenerate like Rein’s barrier does but slower.


Maybe lower fire speed while its up? So its not up all the time, it would be advantageous to have it down while another shield is up.

I can’t think of a time it would be advantageous to be in sentry mode, getting shot at, and NOT fire as much as possible. Bastion is fighting against time to make as much use of Sentry Mode before he gets surrounded or manages to retreat.

No, it would be better if the shield was so powerful that, on the balance, you couldn’t shoot at all while it was up. It would also be short-lived, because Bastion in Sentry Mode wants to spend as much time as possible shooting things, so the only time he really wants to throw a shield up is to block Charges, Hooks, and Rockets.

It still won’t protect him from easy Pulse Bomb kills or Orisa’s Halt. But it would offer him some protection from the Burst Damage of a Dive Composition.

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Play the “ride of the valkyries” while chasing after pharamercy.

but having at least a recon gun on the chopper would be enough :smiley:




To showcase the sheer number of possible buffs or changes that do not involve reverting the Sentry Gun to its former glory.

(Unless we’re talking about this idea:

  • Remove Tank Mode, make old Sentry Mode into Bastion’s Ultimate, replace current Sentry Mode with an Artillery Mode that arcs explosive shots over walls and onto roofs)

Some of ideas listed below ideas are powerful enough alone, but some would need to be included with or or two others from this list:

  • Apply Ironclad as soon as transformation begins; increase Ironclad for tank mode
  • Remove Ironclad, bring back bonus armor that applies as soon as transformation begins; apply lesser bonus to Sentry
  • Give Bastion’s Sentry Mode a short-duration E ability shield that does not let him fire, still allows him to heal, and can protect him from the front against burst damage, Charges, Hooks, and explosives like Pulse Bombs.
  • As a cool-down E ability in Recon Mode, Bastion climbs walls at half the speed of Genji or Hanzo
  • As a cool-down E ability with short duration in Sentry Mode, Bastion applies anchors to the ground which prevent him from being moved from that position or knocked out of Sentry form
  • Combining the two items above: As a cool-down E ability, Bastion in Recon Mode applies grappling lines that can slowly haul him into the air to reach sniping positions for Sentry Mode; in Sentry Mode, these anchors prevent movement or being removed from Sentry Mode; in tank mode, the grappling anchors move Bastion as per Recon Mode, but faster.
  • Increase the size of Bastion’s tank projectiles to something much larger than a bullet, such that clipping someone with the animated projectile will trigger its explosion
  • Remove self-damage from Tank Mode shots
  • Change the duration of Tank Mode so that the Ultimate does not end until Bastion has fired a certain number of shots, so that Bastion may continue to behave like an ambush predator by laying in wait for prey
  • Allow Bastion to end Tank Mode prematurely by pressing Shift to enter Sentry Mode
  • Give Bastion’s Ultimate an additional Artillery Mode as an analogue to Sentry Mode, which fires the explosive shells in an arc that can clear walls and land on roofs.
  • Reduce the speed at which the Recon Rifle’s bloom expands

I like this. So would the ult form of sentry be like the original sentry mode then (spread and head hitbox?) Or anything other then that?

If Sentry Mode was his Ultimate, of course it would need to be better than the old Sentry.

The old spread, the old headshots, and the old bonus armor given to the old Tank Mode. At minimum.

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Faster fire rate and/or falloff removed?