How to Fix Bastion

After lots of thought, I’ve gladly found out a way to make Bastion a viable option without making any buffs to Pirate Ship.

Self-repair: Increase movement speed while in use by 50%. This allows for tactical use of the ability for advances, escapes and repositioning. Decrease maximum resource by 33% to compensate.

Recon Configuration: Implement damage dealt while in Recon Configuration to slowly replenish your Self-Repair resource. This makes Recon a viable option for mobile fights and longevity.

Tank Configuration: increase transformation time in and out of Tank Configuration. As the current trabsformation time contradicts and punishes the same aggressive strategies that it claims to promote. In addition, allow Bastion’s health and repair resource to reset upon ultimate activation, and eliminate any damage he takes from his own rockets, which only further punishes the aggressive strategies that the ultimate claims to promote.

Are these changes enough? Are they too much?


These aren’t that bad, but… Bastion’s biggest issue is Not having enough Value placed in Sentry mode… :neutral_face:

I personally would like to see Sentry fixed before anything else, really…

Great job tho. Keep up the good work.
We really do need more Coverage on Bastion, He’s been a Little bit forgotten by the rest of the Community…

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You dont understand how this will mess low ranks do you? Bastion is a Trump card in low ranks. I’m surprised more people don’t play him. Though usually you’ll get one. If there’s a reason they’re not buffing bastion it’s because they know most games bastion is in wins in low ranks.

Buffing Sentry would make Pirate Ship a nightmare in every aspect. I have no problems using Sentry as it is right now, it’s an incredible situational piece against tanks and barriers, and for very brief engagements before enemies figure out that you’re there. The most you could safely do to Sentry is tighten the spread by about 10%, but any buffs beyond that would be genuinely dangerous to the meta.

Let him headshot or buff his accuracy. That’s his identity, doing a crap ton of damage in sentry, and sometimes it feels like his recon gun is better overall (above 20 meters)


Here’s a Link to the Bastion UltraThread. :kissing_cat: (I hope that worked)
Perhaps it could help some people understand Bastion’s current place in the game.


Recon is supposed to be better at that range, especially against dive tanks. But any headshots that Bastion deals in Sentry would be luck based. I’m a Bastion main, trust me when I say that Sentry is fine, it’s best when used with back line and clever positioning.

I am as well, A Bastion main.

And Sentry is anything But fine… o-o

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The secret is to position conservatively. You’re not a mobile threat, keep cover nearby, and don’t be afraid to sacrifice damage output for safety and consistency. And don’t use it if more than one or two enemies know your position. Disengage and reposition if too many start looking in your direction, UNLESS you have significant amounts of pocketing and support.

Hell, even Kolorblind himself Agrees that Bastion’s Biggest issue is Sentry mode.

Take it from him, if no one else:

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No, he’s not Soldier 76.

It already is viable, the only thing is that it’s not suppose to be his main mode.

Recon will always be sub-lime compared to 76, and making it better would only make Bastion better than Soldier since Bastion also packs hella damage.

Yes/no. He has a greater issue: Ironclad.

This is what he needs:

  • Less spread in sentry
  • HS added back to sentry
  • 30/35% IC on tank.

Then he is back to where he used to be, before his rework where he was at least playable.

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Because he’s not even good down there. Bronze and Silver are the only tiers he’s not the least played hero, but he’s still only a few spots above it.

He’s not the pub destroyer that everyone makes him out to be.

And I’m a Bastion player, and it’s not fine. HS are only luck-based against tiny heros, but it would be lethal on tanks, which is why he needs it. Currently a Hog can poke his head out, take some damage, and then hook the Bastion pulling him from sentry and either kill him, get him low enough to shoot him again, pull him out of position, or have his team focus-fire him.


If that’s the issue, you’re way too close to him. And with a repair speed buff, he could easily escape the Hook.

So what you are saying is, To not be in Sentry.
At any point.
At all.

K i’ll make sure to do that whenever i see the hook coming.

The reason i say that is, When you are in Sentry, You have to actually get Use Out of it. And yet all of the Heroes that Bastion is Supposed to counter, Hard counter him.

We can’t just Buff Recon until he’s 76.
Sentry needs to be Usable.


Personally, I think they should do the following:

  • Give back Bastion’s minigun headshots

Personally, I never saw the logic behind this change. Blizzard really didn’t think this change through, and it was a huge nerf overall to Bastion.

  • Give back Bastion’s bonus armour during Tank Form

Bastion’s bonus armour was removed initially because of his Ironclad passive reducing 35% damage. However, since Ironclad has been nerfed considerably, this removal of his bonus armour is completely unjustified.

  • Making Bastion’s ultimate cast speed the same as his minigun

When Bastion was reworked, his minigun transformation animation was made faster. The same change should be made to his Tank Form, as it would allow him slightly more time to make use of it, and would also mean that he has slightly less risk of dying during the cast.


20 meters is too close? Last I checked Bastion was less effective at range due to his spread nerf.

Even if you are beyond his hook limit, he can easily walk towards you and hook you. If he does just enter that 20m range, Bastion spread is too big to reliably gun him down. In that case it’s actually better to be closer since you land more pellets, thus tear through him more, and then after getting hooked just recon before his next shot to finish him.

Only problem is Bastion is a contradiction since he’s not suppose to be close to the action, but needs to be close to make sentry effective.

Back when Bastion had pinpoint accuracy, headshots were lethal. It was more of a problem against the tanks, since they had larger critboxes. But since they gutted that from his damage on top of adding spread, if Rein gets to close to you he can actually pin you before you kill him as Bastion. You can’t even reposition since he can turn slightly, and you have to wait the transformation time.

With that said, his spread decrees only needs to be a little, since IC is no longer 35% which balanced out his TTK vs his survivability. Currently, landing his shots feels like a losing battle since even 1v1ing can be hard with his spread, and recon is too clunky/big so it’s better to stay in sentry.


I could live with sentry currently being gutted if his ult was actually an ult. It’s not. I fell like the only safe time to use it is 30 feet behind the team since he’s so fragile just when transforming alone.

The way it used to work was that Bastion would get 150 armor when he pressed Q, so that would essentially heal him while ulting. Ironclad doesn’t do that, which is why he’s so fragile. I would be fine with his transformation speed currently if he just had the 30/35% IC. I don’t want it to be lightning fast nor unkillable, since it has instakill potential and nearly unlimited range.

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Great way to cherry pick words. If I can make Sentry work in QP, where I always have to face Tracer, Genji, Hanzo and Widow, then you can easily manage it in competitive… and buffing Sentry will just make Pirate Ship a nightmare, I’m not in the mood to see that meta, I’d rather deal with dive and Beyblade.

I can make attack sym work in QP, but you can’t suddenly move that standard to comp.

Comp is a much different environment than QP.

Currently, despite ‘pirate ship’ he is the least picked hero in the game, and that strat only works on that 1 map, on that 1 point (A).

I’m not in the mood to see Dive last another year but Bastion’s only relevency is pirate ship, and that is only a meta because it’s so hard to displace him when IC is stacked with barriers.

We aren’t going to get IC reverted (removed) so he, at the bare minimum, need compensated TTK on sentry because right not being babysat doesn’t even make him effective.

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Giving back headshots would only be RNG bonus damage. Purely luck based, inconsistent, and no skill involved for the reward. To compensate, the better solution would be to reduce the damage falloff of Sentry Configuration.

Using that Logic we could reliably say that Soldier 76’s Headshot damage is “RNG bonus damage. Purely luck based, inconsistent, and no skill involved for the reward.”


That, and Less Damage falloff wouldn’t help much When you still can’t hit your Target with the Trumpet that is Sentry.

Bastion is in need of help, and people like you are hurting the chances of bastion players being taken Seriously.

Good day sir.