Always Reranking as Bronze 5 "Minimum Value for this Rank"

I just recently completed my competitive qualifier matches for Tank, and while I’m not great (ranked Bronze 4 at the end of Season 4), I also know I’m not at SR 0. I went 5 wins to 4 losses during qualifiers, a mix of lobbies from B5 to S5. I had a 1-1 win rate against Silver 5 lobbies, ranked as Bronze 5 “at the minimum value for this rank”.

I completed another set of games last night, this time going 5 wins to 2 losses. Mid-Bronze lobbies, around bronze 3. Reranked as Bronze 5 “at the minimum value for this rank”.

It’s hard for me to see any point in continuing ranked at this point if I won’t see any progression despite winning games. I see many people having similar problems, meaning this is a known issue. I hope this is resolved soon.


Hi CyborgSpcMan,

I’ve noticed a bunch of these threads popping up so I don’t think you’re alone. Here’s the list I’ve collected so far: