Hi soso900. I’m adding your post to the list I’ve been compiling of everyone experiencing this. There’s been no official response so far, but I’m trying to raise awareness of other posts.
- [BUG] Winning 5 games to rank up can lose you ranks instead
- Always Reranking as Bronze 5 "Minimum Value for this Rank"
- Bronze 5 bug still exists?
- My rank in comp wont change after winning all 5 matches
- I wont change rank no matter what
- Sr is on zero (hard stuck bronze 5)
- Incorrect Ranking S4 + Permanent Bronze 5
- How do I rank up
- Why cant i rank up
- Bronze 5 bug, I can't rank up
- Literally cannot progress in comp no matter what
- Ranking Issues with Season 4 should be fixed now
- Possible Ranking Bug
- After winning 5 wins and getting 0 losses, I got a demotion
- Bronze 5 Minimum Rank Bug
- Stuck Bronze 5 or idk?
- My SR seems to be stuck at 0
- Cant rank up, it literally isnt letting me go above bronze 5
- Permanent Bronze 5 Bug