Cant rank up, it literally isnt letting me go above bronze 5

Due to some poor gameplay back in overwatch 1 i got ranked bronze but now years later with tons of experience in other shooters i decided to come back to overwatch2 i got ranked bronze 5 which i thought fair enough considering the accounts background…i was excites to climb my way up the ranks however to my surprise my account just isnt ranking up or moving whatsoever!

It started with 5 wins 4 loses i thought fair enough next one im bound to at least get to bronze 4

Then again 5 wins 4 loses and still nothing and id like to mention how in all of these games ive been getting 30+ kills and absolutely carrying the lobby and in most i got POTG even

My motivation was low and i felt discouraged by teamates so i invited my gold friend to queue with me after all these games of my rank just staying in bronze 5 and we were playing in silver-gold lobbies and we won by a lot and i had 30-40 kills everygame, we won 5 and lost 1 game against a smurf and my rank just stayed in bronze 5 and didnt even more just a lil.

so at this point im just confused as to what do I do to be able to rank up?


Hey there kiimikochi. This is a familiar story and I’ve been collecting a list of forum posts like yours because many of us are seeing this. It’s not clear as to whether it’s purely a bug or misunderstanding of a change in the ranking system, but it’s not uncommon in either case.

Edit: updating list

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I noticed that pattern too, what do u suggest I do in the meantime? will it be fixed or change if I just win a bunch of games?


I’m going to just continue to enjoy quickplay with friends and stay away from competitive until I understand more. At this point it’s unclear what’s going on, and only Blizzard will really be able to tell what’s going on under the hood.

If anyone who has experienced this issue this season has been able to get themselves back out of “Bronze 5 hell” after being deranked, then please let us know how many games it took and your winrate.


Yooo, this is 100% a bug. I’m glad I’m not the only one experiencing this. I have won 10 rounds and lost 2 rounds and have yet to rank up past bronze 5 as well. Same thing happen to one of my friends, except she made a whole new account to test to see if she was indeed a bronze 5 player. After winning 5 rounds she was put in gold 2 with her new account. I want to add that i absolutely carry with some games having 18-22k damage and 30-50 kills.

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I think a large part of the problem here is that bronze 5 is a huge subrank from an SR perspective. I think most subranks are about 100 SR, but bronze 5 is probably everything under 1100.

As in I think it works like this:

  • Silver 5: 1500-1599
  • Bronze 1: 1400-1499
  • Bronze 2: 1300-1399
  • Bronze 3: 1200-1299
  • Bronze 4: 1100-1199
  • Bronze 5: 0-1099

So, if your SR is currently 600, it will take a LOT of wins to get you up to 1099 and out of bronze 5.

I’d really like to see Bliz introduce a rank below bronze (Wood?) to deal with this so that people can actually see progress one way or the other.

CrankyHero I get what you’re saying about being <1100 and needing to climb out, but in reading through all of these threads we can logically deduce that’s not the only thing going on here because people (including myself) started at higher ranks and have only had a positive winrate this season.

If it was simply a problem with climbing out of a very low SR then we wouldn’t be deranking from higher ranks than bronze 5 while winning.

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Right, the question is in the other wording the rank up screen gives. It’s telling folks with this issue that we are the lowest value in our rank. Like my tank is silver 5 and says I’m higher than like 84 percent in my rank. My bronze 5 support says I’m at the lowest possible value in my rank. This is after having I think 4 rank ups this season. None were terrible in win/loss. One of which I went 5-1.

Also I was silver 4 support in season 2, and dropped in season 3 to bronze 5 at the beginning rank decay and was never able to rank up through the season.

I requested my data with a support ticket today and in my competitive game history, 40 something of the last 57 games listed have no data and UNKNOWN listed for region.

Very much seems like a bug. I understand it’s trickier as it seems to only be obvious with those of us at the bottom of the skill ladder.

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i am a season 3 new player. main dva tank got the rank in silver1. after season 4 start i have dropdown in bronze1 and there to bronze5. 10 wins in a row and stayed in bronze5. this is major issue and wont know what to do… yesterday i got bronze4 after 5 wins 6lost and one leaver status, now again got straight 5wins one loss and dropped down again in bronze5, why this game hate me? average dva games are like 30/12/10 so i dont really belive im in bronze.

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