Hard stuck in bronze despite having decent stats

I can’t seem to get out of bronze, been playing since OW1 beta on pc, now I play on Xbox. I trio with a gold all round person and a silver support and still haven’t ranked up out of bronze. On the season 4 start I was hoping to have a rank increase but haven’t moved in any of my ranks. I consistently out heal and sometimes damage my friends who also play support, but yet I’m still in bronze. I usually have the least deaths, especially when playing mercy, with usually over 10-15k healing per 10, decent damage boost and some blaster kills. I worked on my positioning and all the tips I can but I still haven’t been able to get the wins I need. I’m extremely discouraged, wondering if my playing on PC and console has impacted by rating??

Hello WyrmQueen, welcome to the list! I’m fairly new on the forums but have experienced this issue myself and am gathering a list of everyone experiencing it.

Short answer is that nobody knows what’s up yet, but a lot of players are asking questions.

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