I started this season as a Bronze 4 from season 3. Went 5-2 in my first set of games and was put into Bronze 5 saying that I am at the minimum value of this division. Went 5-1 on my next set of games, still Bronze 5/minimum value of the division… Sounds like something isn’t right to me. Or maybe I’m the worst player on the Americas servers, idk lol. Anyone else having this kind of issue?
I also had this same exact issue, was Bronze 4 (for dps and supp) at beginning of season 4, went 5W-2L on both dps and supp, both got reranked to bronze 5 “you are at the minimum value for this rank”
Its been like that for me since the last season, i won myself up to gold 4, and either deranked or was kept in the same rank since, it dident matter if i had 5W-0L or 5W-14L, everytime it was the same, on rare occasions i ranked up but never got over gold 5
Does anyone know if the Overwatch team is currently looking into this issue?
Ive seen couple of posts where people talk about blizzerd not doing anything about it, but idk, mabey they are, i wanted to go to blizzerd themselves but they just pointed me here
I was playing with a friend who was Bronze 4, went 5W-1L and also deranked to bottom of bronze 5
You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Linking my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.
I believe I’m experiencing a similar issue. I just played two sets to try and rank up this season. First, a set of 9 games where I went 5 wins 4 losses and ranked down, and then played another 8 games with 5 wins and 3 losses and did not rank up. I did well with a positive KD as DPS. Even in the losses I believe I maintained a positive KD.
So in total I won 10 games and only lost 7 but still went down in rank. Truth be told, I am embarrassingly now Bronze 5 on DPS. For some reason I have no problem ranking up in support and I’m in Gold now after placing silver initially.
I pulled my Blizzard data using their request procedure and noticed something a little strange for my recent games. Some of them show “INVALID” region now, and I have to wonder if it’s a factor.
I don’t claim to be the world’s best player but I really don’t see why I’m ranking down while maintaining a positive win ratio and what seems like fairly good performance.
Edit: I do have a video of this happening so that you can see I’m not completely full of it, where you can see the 5/4 win ratio and rank down. This was before the 5/3 set where I stayed as Bronze 5. 2023 04 15 14 13 17 - YouTube
I have the same problem in season 3 i started bronze 2 support and immediately dropped to bronze 5. Ok i thought i will get better… i then won over 100 matches Lost a few ok but not more than i won. Still bronze 5… just before end of season 3 i jumped back to bronze 3. Season 4 starts again bronze 5… Now after 20 wins and 7 looses i am still Bronze 5 in support with the comment i am 82% better than other people in my Division… It is really frustrating because am i really this bad…
Been happening to me too on support Bronze 2. Got the first rank update on S4 with 5-6. I thought, okay maybe because it’s 6 losses. Then got a second rank update 5-2, but nope. Both rank updates said it’s bronze 2. Nothing happened.
Although in the first update, it said I’m inside 60% of the players and then in the 2nd one it said 90% of the players, what does that mean is it a good thing or a bad thing?
This has been happening since before season 4. Managed to get to gold 5, then got demoted because of some disconnections that I had nothing to do. It was the servers. Now I’m stuck in bronze 2 while my friends that I play with, some of who are old ow players that are in diamond or master tell me I’m way better than bronze, and should at least be in low gold.
Also happens to me, ranked up to bronze 5 like at least 5 times in a row, every game I get like 30, 40 kills, please fix this
I have a problem like that I was silver 4 in support and after my 5 game (and 2 lose) I go to silver 3, but I am sure with all the stuff I did I need to be gold or maybe silver 1 but not silver 3.
5 wins, 2 losses. Positive KD. Still Bronze 5 → Bronze 5 2023 04 16 17 56 44 - YouTube It also says I’m at the “minimum value for this rank”, which I’m not exactly sure what that means. Does it mean I’m in Bronze 5 and at the bottom for bronze, or that I’m at the very bottom of Bronze 5?
I cannot seem to progress back into even Bronze 4 despite having 15 wins and only 8 losses. I totally get if I was stuck way down in Bronze 5 and had to work my way back up to make it into Bronze 4, but that isn’t the case since I was just in Bronze 4.
Should I open a support ticket at this point or is this normal?
This is eerily close to my exact issue that I just listed here: Bronze 5 Minimum Rank Bug
My friends that I play with are all silver/gold and we just joke now that a “Minimum value bronze 5” Tracer goes 27-3 in mid silver lobbies hahaha.
Glad to hear this is not just me - hopefully they fix the issue in the next patch!
Open a ticket for sure - the more the better.
I just opened one under an issue “Not listed here” since the option for bug report just brings me to the forum.
I was in Silver 2 near the end of Season 3, before it ended I got bumped down to Bronze 4…Season 4 started, I think I started Bronze 2, but after 28 wins and 7 losses in Season 4 I’m Bronze 5. Every 5 wins, even if it’s 5-0 I rank up to, you guessed it…Bronze 5.
This is still happening to me as well, positive winrates on both supp and dps. I’ve reranked 8 times for support and 5 times for dps and it initially kept me and the minimum value for bronze 5. Past couple re-ranks it has locked me into the 71% of bronze 5 despite multiple reranks. I’ve currently played 117 games of comp in season 4 and have won 66 of them with absolutely zero progress. 22hrs of my life wasted.
This has happened to my friend and me. I finished BP and quit today. My friend lost his cool in one game cause b5 players really suck, raged, and got suspended for a while. I don’t want to play with them either, but I just don’t blame noobs for being noobs. We didn’t realize it was a bug until yesterday. It ruined this season for us. This has been a horrible experience. Test your games, geez Blizz. WTF?