I wont change rank no matter what

Im sick of this i play support get more than 10k healing a game and yet I’ve never gone past bronze 5 for 4 SEASONS come on you guys!!! This sucks so much to win 5 and only lose 3 and then get a bronze 5 again and again!!! Im sick of it.


I’m gold and platinum in support and dps. mean while my tank wont go above silver 1. I cant play with my friend anymore. I’m destroying the competion and tank is my strongest class. Why did I get put so low. xSMITTYx12 is my xbox tag


i been the same rank for over 30 wins and i just went 5-0 and my stats are better than the other teams support everytime but it wont rank me up at all. my account is marluxia#11395


Same, i did a 30k heal with 34 kills in 19minutes game and im always above 10k heal… 5wins 8loses and still Bronze 5 today 5wins 0 loses and still Bronze 5…


This right here! And its crazy bc no matter how much kills or heals i have i cannot move up but open queue i play maybe once in a blue moon and im already bronze 2 like huh lol its so confusing and everyone just keeps telling me i suck at the game and i mean fair but like its a bummer that no matter what I can’t rank up


i have the exact same problem i am hard sigma player and destroying the enemy team.

i was hard grinding for 3 hours and didnt get a new rank

this is the definition of being hard stuck bronze

i am gaining 10,000 damage every 10 min and i have a k/d on 4
my MIT is above 14,000 every game and i keep being endoursed (wich must mean i am doing something right).

i also requested for my game data to see my sr and everything said 0 even my support role (wich is at silver 2) that should be impossible since u have to have an sr above 1500 to go silver.




I got the same problem as a support I stuck at 5 bronze regardless of winnings, feels bad


I’ve now completed, by my count, 13 cards in support. I think only 3 or 4 of those were losing cards. And my rank has remained Silver 4 for the entirety of that time. What gives? This is so frustrating and makes me not want to play competitive at all.

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I opened a thread too about this! I was stuck for ages bronze 5, just got to bronze 4 yesterday 5/0
I always have around 10 players saved, 15k+ heal, etc. with mercy.
I also got moira 17k heal, 15k damage with 53 kills and did not change! it is so frustrating, when my friends try play DPS I cannot play with them as the ranks are too different. Same problem my friend hsa with tank, he is silver 1 in sup and dps but cant go from bronze in tank, but is best player in tank always…

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