[BUG] Winning 5 games to rank up can lose you ranks instead

Only content creators have early access to the Season 4 patchnotes, so I’ll link one here: Brig is OVERPOWERED AGAIN!!! Season 4 Patch Notes for Overwatch 2 - YouTube. It’s the first bullet point under General Bug Fixes @ 25:25. It’s not confirmed, but this is highly likely to be the five subdivision demotion bug. However, there is also a chance these are separate bugs, or that the fix ends up not entirely fixing the bug and results in more bugs spawning…

Yeah it’d be great if Blizzard’s fix to bring in-game rank to match hidden MMR actually works and rectifies these issues, but feels a bit too-little-too-late when we’re all getting cucked on end-of-season rank rewards because we’re all going to end season 3 at a rank that we don’t belong at because of these deranking bugs. And we all know Blizzard will do absolutely nothing to compensate people for this issue resulting in them getting less rewards than they should have for the end of season 3.

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This has happened to me like 3 times on my account. I can’t get past plat 5. It bumps me down to gold 5, then to gold 1. I’m starting to get really bummed out.


This is, unfortunately, still going on. The update bumped me from Gold 5 to Gold 4. I just won my 5th game today for the rank update, and it dropped me to Gold 5 again. I don’t know if my win to loss ratio had anything to do with it (it was 5:6), but after working so hard to get that 5th win, I feel extremely discouraged. I started at the tail end of Season 3 (like, literally 5 days before the season ended) and my first rank was Silver 1. I managed a rank update for Gold 5, stopped just short of 1 win left due to frustration, and decided that today was the day I start back on comp.

Apparently not. Every match I lose ends up with me only having 1 or 2 teammates by the second round. Maybe that had something to do with it?

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Yeah I have had issues with ranking as well. I am currently ranked bronze 5 and have been stuck here even after having 5 wins to 1 loss multiple times and nothing changed I am perma stuck in bronze 5. I am even healing the most out of both teams in most of my games as well.


I just started playing competitive again in OW2 last season and DPS was my worst rank, so I’ve been trying to improve it. My rank keeps going down despite positive win rates.

On DPS I started this season at Bronze 4. Won 5 lost 4 and went down to Bronze 5. Won 5 lost 3 stayed Bronze 5. Won 5 lost 2 stayed Bronze 5.

In my stats it shows I only have 5 hours played despite having played 24 games, which seems a little short? I’m sitting at 15 wins, 9 losses. I don’t know if KD factors in for DPS queue but I’m at 657 elims with 140 deaths, 351 final blows.

I have no idea where I’m supposed to be placed but it seems strange that with good performance I keep moving down the chain.

(Edit) I’ve started collecting a number of similar posts for players who are experiencing this:


YES. I have been playing Competitive since day 1 this season and no matter how many games I win or how many tiers I complete, it resets me to Bronze 5. Every. Single. Time. I have been grinding for WEEKS ( but even before S4 I started getting the glitch ) and have won most of my matches and yet I’m stuck at the bottom. It is EXTREMELY demotivating with how much time and work I’ve put into this game only for none of it show. :confused:


So I would kindly know what on earth i else have to do to rank up.
I was placed b5 at the start of ow2. got to highsilver then lost energy.

I bettered myself with positioning with the help of highrankmercy vids ( u know them )
and can keep my team alive while rarely dying.

So. I started to play ranked again in s4 and ofc started i think Silver3.
Went to s2 - > s1 → s1 ->s2 - >s3
I never lost more than 5 games before i won 5.

I played total 17 matches on mercy won 11.
Did 173k healing have a 42 boost 58% heal ratio as recommended to boost more by grandmastermercys. and my victoryquote is 68%

I ranked down. So i looked up vids to find out what a support has to do to rank up
Says: less deaths. So I played ana, 2-3 deaths maximum but in silver people run around like headless chickens, dont listen to pings and dont stay where they should be so i cant keep them alive.

I have done everything in my power and as far as I see it my performance is “better” ???
than that of a top 500 mercy ( have evidence, forum wont let me post link )
NO i dont say I should be top 500 by all means but I dont think that my performance is downgrade-worthy. So i want someone responsible for this to tell me what Im doing wrong. OR detox my account.

( I already play on this acc since 2016 where we all were extremely dumb and clueless.
When i ranked i max got lowgold high silver. But I bought a new account and ranked the same day with the same skills with the same dayperformance with the same heros and got highgold to Plat.) so kindly someone fix this I dont have a good mental mindset to handle this+ being told to suck someones dick or make sandwiches. since Im female.


I probably had this bug during the decaying rank but just told myself it was that. Now with season 4 out I’m HARD stuck at bronze 5 when I had been gold 3 season 3. I’ve ranked (completed matches to get a update) probably ten plus times now I’d say at least half of those were with 3/4 losses. I’m a support main and I’m out healing/dmg/assists than the enemy team and or my support partner yet they rank up. I’ve played since OW1 but with this bug or issue I’m so close to being done with this game.


I am a casual player and play ranked with a mate from time to time. My rank is always going up and my mate’s going down. My mate’s last down rank was Silver 2 to Bronze 3 ( 4 Win / 1 Lose ) deranked 5 places.

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So yeah.

I just went ranked up from bronze 5 after.being trapped there since the season started. I go up to bronze 4 woot. 5 wins 2 losses. Very hard to win games very sweaty matches. Next i go 5 wins 1 lose and derank (also very hard games against obvious not bronze players) back to bronze 5. If this is how its supposed to work i dont know how ill ever get back to gold nor how ill ever get any better. I think im done even trying anymore. So i can have a 5 to 1 win rate and derank. Im done.


I’ve had this issue since the start of overwatch 2. No matter what I do I always end up in bronze 5 without moving. I have been carrying teams to get wins because of all the new people who are still learning. I was excited because I lost a game and then won 5 back to back. I was at a 5 win and 1 loss stats, hoping the bug was fixed I expected to rank up. Just to get bronze 5 and that I rank higher then 70 something percent of players. It’s frustrating and I am close to quitting, however I’m on an esports team and actually enjoy playing with them. The issue is we can not play rank due to my rank being stuck and have to do unranked. I don’t know what it will take for blizzard to fix this bug, but hopefully they will soon.


5 win - 2 loss still same rank but when 5 win 5 loss it quickly demote 3 rank. this ranking is brokern

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same here, wtf they doing to the game?

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This exact thing happened to me today. 5 wins 1 loss and still no rank up.

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I had the same issue. Went from Gold 5 to Silver 1 again. Keeps going back and forth


I went from platinum to Gold 5. Won 5-5 and got promoted to Silver 2. =( starting over for no damn good reason really pisses me off.


ayo same here, can we get an answer blizz? this is a massive issue


this just happened to me today, i had a win streak of five on bronze competitive and it ranked me down to bronze five instead of ranking me up, this bug has happened to me at least three times since the release of the game and it’s so annoying


i have the same issue…win 5 games, got lower rank…

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