Bronze 5 Minimum Rank Bug

Some background - I was Silver 2 in Open Queue, Silver 5 in Support, and Bronze 4 in DPS at the end of Season 3. I started Season 2 on DPS as a newer player and only won about a third of my matches - so when I started DPS again after ranking up Support, I placed Bronze 5 after my placement matches which made sense. However, I ranked up to Bronze 4 immediately after and then was hard stuck there after several reranks with positive win-loss ratios.

At the beginning of this season, my Open Queue rank jumped up to Gold 4, but my support dropped to Bronze 2 and my DPS was still at Bronze 4. I’m 10-6 this season on DPS and deranked to Bronze 5 after the first 5-5 and received the message that “You are the minimum value for this rank”.

In the April 11th patch report, the devs said, "The Competitive Update screen will also now provide players with an indication of their current percentage progress within a skill division. This will hopefully make it more clear how the results of games played during the update affect a player’s Skill Tier and Division.

It is possible for players to have a positive win/loss record, but not go up a skill division because the progress occurs entirely within a single division. This new message will allow players to see that they did in fact make positive progress, just not enough to reach a new skill tier or division."

This would imply that my SR was near 0 - and that somehow I went from Bronze 4 to a near 0 SR (falling over1000 SR or so?) after going 5-5?

I then stayed Bronze 5 after going 5-1 for the second round and received the same “You are the minimum value for this rank” message - implying that my SR didn’t move again. Most of my matches have been in mid-silver lobbies according to the new icon. I’m happy to grind through the ranks but would love some more transparency. The Gold 4 to Bronze 5 range just seems very decrepit and this minimum value message has me baffled.

I know that Aaron Keller has said they will be making a fix in the next patch for those that were placed lower than they were supposed to, but I hope they address this minimum value issue as well.


Yeah, after reading your post we’re basically in the same boat. I obtained a copy of my Blizzard data and some of ranked games are showing invalid and missing data. Of course that doesn’t confirm that’s the cause or more than just a visual bug unrelated to calculation of rank, but it’s another data point that lines up with the times in which I’ve been deranked when it seems like I should rank up. The “INVALID” matches around the time slots all have epoch time stamps for the day I was deranking.

I also just started competitive recently. My account is not new though and I have Overwatch 1 data in there too from when I played a while back. I was one of the people who logged in within the first hour of Season 4 and I know there was a bug related to that, but my understanding was that it resolved itself after your next 5 wins. Let me know if either of these things ring true for you too.

Regardless, it’s been discouraging. I’m sticking to QP until I hear something back, even if it’s just a confirmation that I actually belong in Bronze 5. Maybe the recent changes made my SR drop drastically after my first set and if I keep performing well I’ll climb back up, but until I know whether or not it’s a bug I feel I might be wasting my time.


Yeah I hope it gets fixed because I really don’t want to start a new account and lose all my skins & purchases. I also logged in within the first hour and it was supposed to resolve itself after the first rerank but no luck here either.

But hey, if I really am at bottom of the barrel Bronze 5 it would be great to just have confirmation of that as well. More transparency is always welcome.


Yeah, transparency is good for sure and why I posted a video of when I deranked even though it means letting the world know I’m Bronze 5. I never post videos or talk about my stats normally, but I think it’s the best way to figure out what the truth is.

8CPNQH Heck, here’s a replay code of a recent match. I’ve never even generated replay codes to share with people before. If it seems like I should really be Bronze 5 though, I could probably use some tips for improving. I know I’m far from perfect and still make mistakes… but Bronze 5, really?

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This exact thing happened tp me too. Went from Gold 4 to Bronze 3 support during season 3 and then got decayed to bronze 4 support at the start of season 4. I then won 5-3 and was deranked to “minimum value” Bronze 5. I have continued to have positive win rations on reranks and i have stayed at minimum value bronze not moving at all. How is it possible that I have an SR of 0?

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