My rank in comp wont change after winning all 5 matches

my rank won’t go up from bronze 5 it keeps me there after doing 6k damage and 10-15k healing each of my matches and I ranked up couple times and my rank won’t change after winning all my 5 matches.


This is me as well; between going 10-4 and staying bronze 5; then battling with smurfs throwing games and the poor matchmaking that at times will just get you steam rolled; this game is getting worse and worse. I’m about done with Blizzard; it is clear all they care about is “selling the next season pass” to over making sure the mechanics are good. I hate the fact that Overwatch 2 is free to play.


post game code. I can tell you if you are skill capped or you deserve to climb out of bronze.

Same here 5 wins 0 losses with a message saying I’m at the minimum value for this rank. Was previously mid silver. I’m losing interest in this game with the consistent bugs every season…


I’m having the same issue here. People I play with have lost 13 and still ranked up to gold while I’m here stuck in “minimum value” bronze 5 after 3 rank updates this season.


If the MMR is confident in your rank, you won’t be going anywhere until you can magically play like someone two ranks above you consistently. It’s always been that way.


just got another rank update, still minimum value bronze 5


Same issue and I am about to lose my mind. Currently 12w 4 losses with very few deaths. I also won 5 games in a row. Still in bronze 5. Can you please fix this issue? It is really taking away the joy!


We’re the beta testers. Blizzard doesn’t care about quality products anymore.


It was so painful to watch his perspective there. I get it, some players are new. But someone with 3k hours in the game should never have people with 30 hours or less in their lobby.

I’d also argue that the range of rank/skill for players dumped into the same game is way too extreme. Instead of a 10 second queue, I’m more than happy to wait a minute or two for a much more balanced match, with a narrower rank/mmr/skill range.


we all are willing to wait. QP is find to only wait 2 seconds. Comp should be a balanced lobby, we have many things we can do to keep us busy while we wait.

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Agreed, I still don’t understand why they made that change to prioritize queue times over balance and everything else. It doesn’t feel like a balanced competitive scene at all when the lobbies are so diverse. Most games are a stomp-fest because of a massive imbalance on one side or the other.


hidden mmr, you could be literally at the rock bottom on bronze 5 and would take you like 25 games to climb, maybe just unlucky win another 5 see how to goes. GL you got this


I just find it strange that the lobby average rank is all over the place. I’ll literally have a Gold 2 lobby one game, then the next is Bronze 1, even after a win, it’s out of control.


Same here. Despite getting placed into games with players who are in diamond, masters, and sometimes grandmaster, overwatch mmr is capping me at gold 1. (i was mid plat in basically every role last season.) i have played multiple comp games this season already, my most recent placement set going 5 wins to 2 losses and haven’t moved, if it’s an issue of wanting me to play the heroes better then i’m not sure what else to do, i am keeping up stats with players that are in the majority of my games that are usually ranked diamond or above. hopefully this gets fixed for everyone.


Was Silver-Gold for 3 seasons, but i had a 15 losses session, and after 5 updates of my rank, i haven’t still left b3. You can’t increase your MMr, you are not playing with bronze players and mine is probably close to 0.

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i was in same position recently, wins a lot and stucked bronze 5 on support role.

after a 5 win maybe at 4th time, i got boosted to high bronze 3.

i know it is really annoying, but need to insist on keep going.


I still some of the ranking is messed up in this game

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That’ll be just as reliable as the MMR.

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