Incorrect Ranking S4 + Permanent Bronze 5

To preface this post, this is just so that Blizzard knows that my specific account has been affected. I doubt anything will come of this post, but I really do like playing the game, so having two bug issues back to back is demoralizing and makes me want to quit the game. In s3, I clearly remember ending the season off at Silver 4 in Support Role Queue. I usually had friends who played and also confirmed that this was my end ranking for s3. Upon the season 4 update, it showed that I ended in Bronze 3 and now I’m starting in Bronze 3 for season 4. Blizzard reported to us saying that if we reached our next competitive update, we would return to our original ranking (which, in my case, would be silver). Not only did I NOT go back to silver, I had a 5-3 placements to the next competitive update and deranked to Bronze 5 (which is another bug that OW2 devs have not fixed either). To be honest, playing the game with my account permanently bugged both times is super frustrating, especially since my friends have benefitted from ranking up several times in s4 instantly (from Plat to Diamond)???


Yep, had the same issue here wish you all the best on getting it resolved.


Same issue here - I was Silver 2 in Open Queue, Silver 5 in Support, and Bronze 4 in DPS at the end of Season 3. I started Season 2 on DPS as a newer player and only won about a third of my matches - so when I started DPS again after ranking up Support, I placed Bronze 5 after my placement matches which made sense. However, I ranked up to Bronze 4 immediately after and then was hard stuck there after several reranks with positive win-loss ratios.

At the beginning of this season, my Open Queue rank jumped up to Gold 4, but my support dropped to Bronze 2 and my DPS was still at Bronze 4. I’m 10-6 this season on DPS and deranked to Bronze 5 after the first 5-5 and then stayed Bronze 5 after going 5-1 for the second round. Most of my matches have been in mid-silver lobbies according to the new icon. I’m happy to grind through the ranks but would love some more transparency. The Gold 4 to Bronze 5 range just seems very decrepit.


I’m having Similar issues, just locked in Bronze 5 support no matter how many wins or how well I play.


had or have? if you had it howd you fix it? did you just wait?


Have sorry, as far as I am aware the Devs are aware of issues and we will have to wait for a fix;


Having the same problem too. I’m stuck in bronze 5 for 4 reranks now after getting deranked instantly this season. This makes the game unplayable and I’m wasting my time in bronze 5 lobbies.


Agreed, Bronze 5 lobbies with no comms or teamwork are frustrating to feel like you have to be constantly hard carrying. Glad to hear that the devs are aware of this issue - for now I’ll just keep grouping up with friends as much as possible to keep it fun.

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Make another account play it at least 50-100 games and you will see there is no bug

Considering the Devs have acknowledged there’s an issue you are wrong, why should someone have to create another account just to be able to rank thats just stupid.

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Devs talk too much about the things they never understand before they start playing their game.

Please leave the thread and stop spreading misinformation.

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No it is an actual bug, I got ranked down despite winning 5 ranked matches in a row with 0 losses. That’s not me being bad, that’s an actual bug.


it seems you might be experiencing the Bronze 5 Minimum Value bug. You are not alone in experiencing this this issue. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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whatever you do dont give that random guy your account


Yeah, I completely agree with this statement, this guy asking for accounts needs to be banned and removed from the forums.


Bro there are multiple people experiencing the same bug and many of them played the seasons before in higher ranks. See the linked thread above. This isn’t just a skill issue of some players, as many helpful people wanna name it.

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And it fixes by keep on playing 2-3 splits, and it is done, then you skyrocket in SR.

Who are you? I fix issues, and you?

Useless ppl like you should go outside more and touch the grass when they can not be usefull in the net.

I hope your problem gets fixed


Same for me. Fully stuck at bronze 5 and can’t go up no matter what. Hope it gets fixed