We are currently in the process of putting out a few hotfixes for issues introduced after the 17.0 update. Please note that these fixes take place on the server side, so you should not need to download anything if you’ve updated to 17.0.
- We’ve identified and fixed an issue that could cause the game to fail to offer some eligible players the Returning Player Experience. Affected players should now receive the appropriate quest line when logging into Hearthstone.
- Whizbang the Wonderful will no longer offer decks with cards that have moved to the Hall of Fame.
- Kingsbane will now correctly be destroyed and shuffled into your deck when it reaches 0 durability.
- Living Root, when disenchanted, now properly gives the amount of dust of a common instead of an epic. However, its gem rarity will not be updated until Monday (3/30).
- Invoke cards will now no longer appear from cards that generate other cards.
- Clever Disguise will now correctly function as intended when played.
This coming Monday (3/30), we’re planning to deploy a data-only patch that addresses a couple more issues:
- Darkness Awaits will no longer be incorrectly marked as collectible in the Collection.
- Basic cards will no longer be incorrectly earned from Arena rewards.
- Living Root’s gem rarity will be corrected from Epic to Common.
There are several known issues that will self-resolve on 4/7 when the Demon Hunter and Ashes of Outland unlock:
- Felfin Navigator will correctly appear in the Battlegrounds minion pool.
- The Battlegrounds Perks button will correctly function as intended when clicked.
- The new Priest cards will correctly appear in the Arena card pool.
- Demon Hunter Initiate cards will no longer be granted by completing Galakrond’s Awakening Chapters.
- Hallucination and Blink Fox will work correctly when played against Demon Hunter in Practice Mode.
- Curious Glimmerroot will no longer cause client crashes when played against Demon Hunter in Practice Mode.
Additionally, there are a few Boomsday Project Puzzles that can no longer be completed now because of card changes introduced in 17.0. We’re planning to deploy a fix for Boomsday Project Puzzles in the future.
We are investigating several other reports and will keep you posted as we know more. We’d like to thank everyone for their patience while we get some of these bugs squashed!
3/31 Edit: Updated what issues will self-resolve on 4/7.
4/27 Edit: Fixes for the Boomsday Project Puzzles have been delayed.
Thank you for quick response!
Well, the problem wasn’t the breaking and shuffling into the deck when it reached 0 durability; the problem was that it never reset its damage. Can confirm that that part’s fixed though.
However, it isn’t fixed if you Doomerang it. Tried it in the same game. The weapon remained damaged in that case.
May also want to verify that the Eternal Army anomaly and Sword Dancer Sirinell in Tombs of Terror are fixed as well. They both keep enchantments and were exhibiting the same issue.
So I am curious, why did you release this version 2 weeks before the actual beginning of the year and release of the new set? A significant number of issues would just never have happened. Is this to help keep download bandwidth better controlled, anticipating that more people than usual will be playing on April 7th (and that mobile users would certainly not be happy about having to wait longer)?
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Can you guys fix the issue when I try to talk with someone on the Iphone? It closes the app everytime and I had these bug for many months (I reinstalled the app, I changes the language) anything works 
While playing on my iPhone I’m noticing the mana amount on the right of the screen is displayed incorrectly sometimes. Makes games difficult.
If I had to guess, they probably anticipated that the patch would bring a huge wave of issues now that they’ve suddenly introduced a whole new class to the game and made a bunch of changes to their ranking and card distribution systems. This gives them a little time to work through those issues before the expansion goes live. When it does, they’re gonna get yet another wave of bugs from the new cards. Easier on developers to stagger all these changes out.
Right here is not consistent.
Onvoke cards is class specific and the cards that generate cards is one of the example of Clever Disguise Add 2 random spells from another class to your hand
So what is the pool of cards in 17.0 patch in the abilities that generate other class cards , what does this includes and excludes ?
- And it not only Clever Disguise that was broken , all Rogue cards that generate cards were affected. Please refer to the post in BUGs section
For those who abused the system and dusted living roots are you going to get back the balance of the dust refunds?
For those who abused the system and dusted living roots are you going to get back the balance of the dust refunds?
Don’t think they have the ability to figure out who disenchanted it unless they keep very detailed records every time a user disenchants/crafts something, If I had to guess I would say they are just letting users keep the dust if they did that
That makes sense. This patch is huge, for sure! Lots of major changes, the vast majority of which I am very happy with. This way the actual expansion launch will be smoother.
Edit: @Kerfluffle: do you think it would be possible to cross-post this kind of announcement on the Bug Report forum? That would probably reduce the number of duplicate reports in these busy times. Thanks!
It looks like during your opponent’s turn, his mana is displayed on the little side pop-up rather than ours - the one that pops in when you “open” your hand to see the cards better. If you put away your cards, that mana indicator seems to display correctly.
Invoke card mechanics changes:
Before, Invoke cards were excluded from Discover before. They changed it, but it caused new bugs, so they are reverting to the old behavior until it is fully fixed in an upcoming patch.
What other Rogue cards were broken? I only saw reports regarding Clever Disguise and the cards used against Demon Hunter in Practice mode (which has also been addressed in the OP).
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Your post is gibberish. Do I need to go to other web site to find what you are saying ?
and you mixed things
- Discover
- Invoke
- Add random spells or minions from another class to your hand.
some @Celestalon Tweets are my own opinions.
That would make sense, but it does not answer the question.
And it is so, why the other junk is generated that is unusable and really only class specific use, and no other class can benefit from its use.
No filter on junk ?
unlocking a basic card arena reward lol
When are you going to fix the Android bug on battlegrounds, it’s still unplayable even on patch 17.0 after round 2 It won’t allow me to buy or sell minions or only get 1 chance per round at around the 30 second mark to either pick or sell then I can’t pick or sell again untill the next round and if I accidentally drop it I can’t pick or sell anything this has now made my MMR rating drop. Playing on xaomi redmi S2
Anyone else get the questline - but still not being offered the choice of free deck after completing it?
Doomerhang make kingsbane come back to the hand with only one durability, is It correct ? Will you planning in force a nerf on the deck anyway ?
Please DONT
Or give the dust from kingsbane AND doomerhang