Whizebang deck use wild cards in stander Bug

Whizebang decks still use the cards that were moved to wild

I just play Mountain giant with a random Whizebang deck dev might what look into this

yes I have same problem I scare from get banned. :stuck_out_tongue:

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ya same I stop using Whizebang decks because im worry that I get ban for it

There’s no way you’d get banned over an issue like this. It should already be resolved in fact, so you can go back to using him. The affected decks should have been removed from his list.

If you’re worried that something you’ve done may cause you to be banned, ask yourself: “could a clueless person with the awareness of a treestump do the same thing without realizing the issue?” If so, you’re probably fine. Back when Living Roots had the dust value of an Epic, tons of people dusted their old copies, even though it was an error. Penalizing these players would probably be more trouble than it’s worth for Blizzard, since they’d probably catch a handful of people who just happened to be dusting old cards.

However, there were a few people who noticed that you could dust them, then log back in on an outdated mobile client and re-craft them for their original common cost. Then you could hop back to the new version on desktop and dust them again. Particularly ambitious people could acquire an unlimited amount of dust by repeating this process. That’s not something the average person would do on accident. Anyone dumb enough to have tried that will likely be tracked down and suspended, or at least have their collection reverted.

wish I could believe you on this but with devs be not get banned for a glitch is 50-50 like history of Dev team at best

like people were banned for use glitchs in past be for one that effect how game plays (best example I think of is toast even it was a temp ban I think) and risk a temp ban still to big of a risk with demon hunter dropping in a few days

(again hope they fix bug so I can use whizzbang again)

Wasn’t that when he was playing a deck with a specific combo that would cause his opponent’s game to crash? Deliberately? Multiple times? On stream, where the fact that he was doing it intentionally was broadcasted to the world? I think he crossed the “don’t do anything an average player couldn’t do” line by doing it more than once.

Plus that bug was way more severe than this one. A Whizbang deck with a couple Hall of Fame cards isn’t a huge advantage since Whizbang decks aren’t exactly top tier. A two card combo that knocks opponents out of the game immediately is absolutely busted by comparison.

Here’s the thread where they’ve said they’ve fixed this already:

You can play him right now. If you find any more Hall of Fame cards, feel free to report them. Nobody else seems to be saying anything about them though, so you should be good.