The War Within Hotfixes - March 20

And yet, with 11.1, brew was notably the tank spec that ‘only’ got a 15% damage increase while other tanks got 20%. If nothing else, it shows that Blizz is indeed looking at brewmaster, if they saw fit to give them a lower buff than other tanks got. That’s to say nothing about what other changes brew has seen, which may be considered limited or ‘nothing at all’ by some vocal players, but it all shows they’re not ‘ignoring’ the spec if you ask me.

Community perception isn’t what should be driving class or spec balance, and that’s all it sounds like is ‘informing’ the vocal opinion about brew.

March 20, 2025


  • Druid
    • Guardian
      • Fixed an issue where Stacked Deck could sometimes target unexpected enemies.
    • Restoration
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Undermine 4-piece to not apply a heal-over-time effect when its effect extends the duration of an active Insurance!

Dungeons and Raids

  • Path of Light’s Reverence now teleports players to the meeting stone in front of Priory of the Sacred Flame.
    • Addressed an issue where Rixxa Fluxflame’s Propellant Blast can continue to push back players after the channel ended.
  • Theater of Pain
    • Addressed an issue where Demonic Art: Overlord can kill players with Blood and Glory during Xav the Unfallen encounter.

Items and Rewards

  • Prized Gladiator’s Last Resort should now have the correct amount of Intellect.
  • Fixed an issue where Ingenious Mana Battery wouldn’t activate its bonuses after being revived.

Player versus Player

  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Undermine Class Set 2-piece to be reduced by more than intended in PvP combat.

Blizzard do push ups.

What about the multiple reports of players unable to finish Shipping and Handling delivery jobs?

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Where is the damn tuning bro?


Tuning first, quests later.


Where is the Arcane tuning?

When we were strong in season 1, we promptly received weekly nerfs.


They don’t have the time/budget for balance anymore


Mage Players will not be happy until we read the following added to the list of hotfixes!

Get to it Blizz!

More seriously… The changes are great, and fair so far. :stuck_out_tongue:


Player versus Player

  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Undermine Class Set 2-piece to be reduced by more than intended in PvP combat.

So glad we finally got some much needed pvp tuning.

Doing a great job blizz. Keep up the amazing pvp tuning.

What a joke.

Can you guys look into fractured spark of fortunes? I’m almost positive these are still bugged for certain characters. People on WoWhead are saying the same thing.

Any news on Elemental Shaman having their Primordial Wave reverted back to how it functioned in season 1?

For enhancement sure it’s great, but as for elemental?The shaman playerbase majority utterly loathe it with seething hatred.

We have an absolute tonne of threads about it now …

Along with even a Megathread that I made, which has 100+ likes and over 200+ comments of players understanding the outrage & sharing their frustration on it:

:star2: Shaman: Primordial Wave MEGATHREAD


There’s no way this is all the pvp fixes?? Where’s the tuning??

Any hope for some balance druid single target love? I’m about to be benched for prog


Wow! Holy Paladin basically completely ignored.

Blizz is off their rocker.

Where are the holy paladin buffs?



Buff Brewmaster and my hpal friends.


Buff brewmaster

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New forums don’t impress me much! They ain’t all that and a bag of potato chips, nope…nah ah! Give me Trust level 3 highlighted avatar frame :open_mouth:

Oh and buff Frost DK I suck at it

Just an FYI Mages Spellslinger Phoenix will spell steal from mobs that are not in combat, causing many wipes and problems in places like Theater of Pain on the teleporting platforms (bone shield), as well as Demonology Warlok pets randomly attack mobs not in combat. It’s not a huge deal but is quite annoying when you don’t realize why 3 party members are getting 1 shot by bone spike from 40 yards away lol.