And yet, with 11.1, brew was notably the tank spec that ‘only’ got a 15% damage increase while other tanks got 20%. If nothing else, it shows that Blizz is indeed looking at brewmaster, if they saw fit to give them a lower buff than other tanks got. That’s to say nothing about what other changes brew has seen, which may be considered limited or ‘nothing at all’ by some vocal players, but it all shows they’re not ‘ignoring’ the spec if you ask me.
Community perception isn’t what should be driving class or spec balance, and that’s all it sounds like is ‘informing’ the vocal opinion about brew.
Can you guys look into fractured spark of fortunes? I’m almost positive these are still bugged for certain characters. People on WoWhead are saying the same thing.
Along with even a Megathread that I made, which has 100+ likes and over 200+ comments of players understanding the outrage & sharing their frustration on it:
Just an FYI Mages Spellslinger Phoenix will spell steal from mobs that are not in combat, causing many wipes and problems in places like Theater of Pain on the teleporting platforms (bone shield), as well as Demonology Warlok pets randomly attack mobs not in combat. It’s not a huge deal but is quite annoying when you don’t realize why 3 party members are getting 1 shot by bone spike from 40 yards away lol.