I feel like Ele played so well at the start of the expansion and all Blizz has done is made it play like crap. I don’t know if there is a damage difference between the new or old Primordial, but it plays like crap now.
Blizz said they didn’t like that Primordial was a primer for Lava Burst and the haste buff, but now Flame Shock is a primer for Primordial. The lack of Primordial adding Flame Shock to your current target is annoying. I mean Primordial literally doesn’t do anything to your current target unless they have Flame Shock on them.
In Solo Shuffles I could Flame Shock one target, throw Magma Totem on another target, and then Primordial the 3rd and boom 3 Flame Shocks and then they all eat an instant cast Lava Burst. Now I have to wait for the Flame Shock cooldown to hit the 3rd guy, its super annoying and the instant cast Lava Burst only hits my target.
The new design is just bad, please put it back to pre-11.1
Yeah, the primordial wave change is horrendous for Elemental, they should have left it alone. Here’s hoping they revert it, just for ele, because it actually helps enh.
It is literally the dumbest spell in the talent tree now! #worthlessPwave
Elemental feel AMAZING in the previous patch … But in Undermine(d)? 
Needless to say, but yeah I despise the changes.
Honestly, I want them to change Primordial wave back to how it was – BEFORE.
Especially for Elemental 
Like ugh, it feels like absolute garbage now, whereas before it ecstatically felt like it truly rocked the core vibes of ‘Shaman’ class-fantasy and felt immensely empowering – Not just in the literal sense, but in the emotional sense too, it was such a cool & fun spell … Just doesn’t feel the same anymore 
- The change to the spell just feels so utterly useless and makes the spec feel tremendously less fun to play.
- Whereas prior, it was immensely satisfying especially when there was to see lava burst cast multiple times to every target affected by flame shock

I’m not too bothered about Primordial Wave in the other two specs — but as for elemental? Maaaan, it just feels like Elekk Poodoo now 
They ruined the gameplay for Ele with this! It’s clunky and awful! Fix it and talk to us!