This change is just utterly useless and makes the spec 100% less fun to play. It was so satisfying to see lava burst cast multiple times to every target affected by flame shock…
I was maining Elemental shaman for the entirety of Season 1, and now I’m pretty sure I’ll probably just go resto and make him my 3rd/4th alt and barely touch him.
I’m certain there’s some desire by devs to make you take liquid magma totem or something and force you to use it to apply multiple flame shocks, but outside of that, flame shock being on a base 6 second CD and not having primordial wave apply flame shock or, fire lava bursts at those affected by flame shock, makes this insanely clunky and just undesirable to play.
There’s no real incentive to even take the primordial wave talent at this point(or play elemental at all), because even “Splintered Elements” haste doesn’t make up for the loss of applying flame shock and sending lava burst toward all enemies affected by flame shock. In order to be even ON PAR with the previous build, the haste benefit from “Splintered Elements” would have to be at least 20% base and 10% per target.
Almost nothing was done to make up for this change and massive damage loss. Making primordial wave hit for 100% more is laughable, as it still hits like a wet noodle and does nothing but give you a guaranteed free lava burst, that ONLY hits 1 target.
On top of all that, lighting bolt was given a travel time? For what? A prettier animation? No thanks. I’ll take the old animation over travel time any day of the week. Has nobody on the dev team ever actually SEEN lightning? Why does chain lightning remain instantaneous if lightning bolt has a travel time? Is there no consistent thought process here? Or is it just “hurrrr braindead changes cuz we need some kind of filler changes for elemental shaman” because literally anyone who plays elemental shaman would rather NOTHING have been changed in lieu of what we received with this patch.
I think the main goal here is to drive people to play enhancement… and I don’t want to play enhancement, even if you made it do 10x the dps of elemental, I wouldn’t play it. I don’t like playing melee. If I wanted to play melee? I’d make a character that’s specifically melee.
If you wanted to nuke Elemental Shamans into the ground? You could’ve just removed Elemental as a spec, or made shamans have a tank spec like people are asking for (not me, I think tank shaman is silly) - that would’ve been preferable to what we currently have. As it is right now? It’s not worth playing until the primordial wave changes are reverted, or re-worked.
Did none of you learn from the mistakes made in BFA? Where completely nuking certain classes/specs lead to people jumping ship from WoW?
I guarantee, unless there are changes made, elemental shaman will be the LEAST PLAYED spec for the entirety of season 2.