Please fix Primordial Wave For Ele! Revert it back!

This has to be some kind of error. The changes to primordial wave are horrible. The dmg is very low and no more multi lava bursts to flame shocked mobs. My rotation was butchered and now Im specd into prim elementalist just to stand a chance in M +. This isn’t right. Ele shaman was feeling great before 11.1 but now it is just terrible. Please revert this back!


Hate it in PvP, too.


Yeah it was way more fun to play with on how it functioned before.
Now it feels like humid, magot infested dog-water :unamused:

Primordial Wave, as well as Elemental Shaman was WAY more fun to play with before they changed it in this patch ‘Undermine(d)’ … You’d at least hope they’ll revert it back to how it was, at the very least for elemental.

It’s insane they haven’t even provided us a response yet.


I thought they were doing better with communication and listening to the community for a little bit … Guess I was wrong. The amount of noise we’ve been making about the changes just to get zero response is pretty disappointing.


This is what was said about the new pwave change. Can they honestly say it’s working as intended right now?

It’s not just clunky, it doesn’t even work as described. How on earth are they still refusing to address it?


Im not sure Blizz understands what “big damage” is. I dont think hitting a target with 10,000,000 hit points for 120,000 would be considered “big damage”. Its literally 1% of total health every 30 seconds.

If they are going to keep the spell as is, they have to at least double its current damage, have it benefit from Mastery and Overload, and have it generate maelstrom for each PW cast. They also need to look at the cooldown for FS since PW no longer applies it. FS needs to be a 4 second cooldown instead of 6 seconds and Flames of the Cauldron needs to reduce the cooldown to 2 seconds. Managing FS on targets now is too complicated for PW to be useful. You use to be able to FS then PW then LB with 3 Globals now its FS wait 4.5/6.0 seconds FS again and then PW hoping the 1st FS hasn’t been cleansed.

The mechanics to the spell are so awful its completely unplayable.


Yeah. I haven’t heard a thing. The Ele community seems pretty angry about this change, they need to revert it back asap. I feel like trash in keys now.


I am doing well in keys but i dont play pwave in them anymore so there is that.


Yeah, honestly it’s not even about the damage — It’s about the playstyle.
… More specifically & especially for Elemental spec.

  • It’s not fun to play with at the moment.
  • It feels terrible.
  • Whereas before it felt awesome & invigorating.

They should revert it back, because the current playstyle of Primordial Wave sucks. It’s not fun at all; whereas → Season 1 Primordial Wave WAS fun and satisfying to play with.

It’s precisely why I made Shaman: Primordial Wave MEGATHREAD , which has already gained a lot of traction and established the raw majority of players agree with such a sentiment.


This has to be the biggest troll statement every made period end of story.


This exactly. It is not fun at all anymore.


Primordial Wave is garbage. Useless and can’t even spec out of it cause we lose Hero Talent tree. It’s SO BAD I want to spec out of it. They nerf Ele but keep these broken classes as in…


This is the main point, at least to me. The damage of the spell can be low, it always has been low, but the way it interacted with Elemental overall was fine and one could even take LMT in keys. I don’t know if it was the best but there was certainly an on option to things like Echoes of the Great Sundering (I dislike it).

Even if you don’t need to use specific talents to still do well, the entire right half of the tree now just seems dead. The fact that Farseer opts into a clunky talent just because it’s an activator is also disgusting, but what can you do in Raid when Farseer does quite well.


At least make it apply a flameshock again, its like there is no synergy in the rotation.

cast flameshock then hit Prim wave … nah bro this is cooked bliz.


After using it in the raid this week all I can say is awful. The opener is clunky, adding extra button presses to use feels disjointed. Thing hits like a wet noodle (average hit was 189k, my spammable frost shock does almost 2.5 times the damage). Thought this was supposed to be a hard hitting spell now. The extra haste buff Splintered Elements is useless as we have no reliable way to spread flame shock.

Please change Primodial Wave back to what it was prior to 11.1.


Yeah, the playstyle for elemental I found really fun before Undermine(d) came and ruined it. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Seriously it’s been like 100 years since we’ve heard anything from Blizzard about it