Revert Prim Wave

No one asked for it, no one wants it. It accomplishes nothing but makes our rotation more cumbersome. Even with a worse rotation it hits for no damage at all and is never worth speccing into. We’ve been complaining about this change since it was implemented on PTR. Zero response from any dev. It seems that we are just shouting into the void. Get rid of this clunky abomination. Give us back the old primordial wave we all loved.


Its feels so bad actually, losing out on an application of flameshock, on top of losing a ton of MS generation, from the extra lava bursts is a horrendous change, AND the fact it hits like a wet noodle. This would need to be buffed by 200% to make it even near viable.


Been a ele shaman main since BC. This is my favorite class to play. Losing prim wave is gonna make me switch classes. This thing feels terrible in aoe and single target. Who came up with this? Its a completely useless spell. It does no damage so why even bother putting FS on muti targets for it. Even with the haste from splintered it still feels terrible to take this spell. Imagine for 3 xpacs going from a spell that hits hard because of its interactions with LB to a spell mid xpac that does absolutely nothing.

If u wanted to remove the spell blizz just say so and do it and give us somthing else.


Their way of saying “Shadowlands begone!”

I’m guessing this is about elemental PW. I can agree, the new design is clunky and not fun.

I’ve always hated PW during SL up to the end of DF but I actually started liking it in TWW as farseer. Now I’m back to not liking it.

If this is it’s design for the future, please just remove it and pick a new secondary trigger for farseer.

This also goes to show that flame shock itself is lame and needs to be rethought. It’s just unsatisfying to cast and is more of a chore than anything.


The more I play with it, the more I hate it because it’s so darn clunky and cumbersome to deal with.

PLS revert it blizz. This is horrible.


Yes!! Please revert Pwave!!!


Revert primordial wave for elemental, it was perfect before… Now this “big damage on impact” ability does less DMG than an overloaded lava burst


I should have been more specific. I’m referring specifically to ele PW. I haven’t played the other specs and cannot comment on those changes.

I figured it would be best to stick with my spec from last tier because i still have that tier set on and the new builds lean into pets for our new tier set. The problem with that is the old build has PWave and it’s just so bad that i had to switch off it. Imagine trying to pull multiple mobs for the quest chain and i can only put out 2 flame shocks (manual and totem) to use with pwave before the mobs die. It’s now better to just frost shock a bunch of things and chain lightning them to death. It’s so boring. This change drained so much flavor and enjoyment from the spec.

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All they needed to do is leave the spec untouched. Elemental was in the best state I’ve ever seen it. Seems like they never heard the quote “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”? I mean just let us enjoy this spec, it’s the only one i find fun in this game anymore!
revert it please!!


Seriously, i think it was the best rotation we’ve ever had. They even made me stop hating icefury, which i thought was impossible. Then they did this garbage. Also they added travel time to lighting bolt… WHY? Have you ever seen lightning IRL? Zero cognizable travel time. Undo all of it. Just let us go back to last patch


Hopefully they look @ Live-Forums on the ‘SHAMAN’ class section and see the several threads of outrage towards the horrendously terrible changes of Primordial Wave — and change it back :triumph:

Yikes, it use to feel fun and now it just feels … Depressing. :sob:

If they returned it, it’d actually feel like the playerbase is in fact heard and they care about our enjoyment of the game after all … If not, well … Then I guess not. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Yes!!! New Pwave for Ele is garbage!


Put it back the way it was!!