WELL they may not have fixed that after stating they have 2-3 times but they did manage to add another $25 transmog to the store!
Also +1, achievement and no mount. Delves are supposed to be a major feature of this expansion and this is the highest reward for them this season so it’s wild to me that it’s bugged for over 2 weeks with multiple statements saying it’s been fixed when it has not.
Bugs happen. I’m sure they’re working on it. Saw the support article get updated a few times yesterday so they’re definitely aware.
The only really disappointing thing here is that there is a certain prestige associated with this cosmetic this early in the season. It’s definitely something folks want to show off now, and which gets less ‘shiny’ with every passing day/week. If this remains bugged for much longer, the prestige really starts to wear off as it becomes a more commonly available cosmetic with players growing in power over the season.
the new paladin tier is still not working correctly. it says it buffs templars verdict. templars verdict turns into 2 different spells with a talent pick. one is final verdict and the other is justicars vengence. the buff is currently only working with final verdict. i know they just assume everyone picks final verdict so they lazily only buffed that spell and thought “who gives a f*@k about the other one ill save time by cutting corners” well guess what i use justicars so it feels like a big middle finger to me
I think what’s more frustrating than it being broken is this is the third time they’ve claimed it was fixed when it wasn’t. The previous time it said “Once you have the achievement simply complete the delve on any difficulty to receive the schematic” and then they just put strikethrough text when that turned out not to be true.
Now they’ve again said it’s fixed when it isn’t. That’s what I find most annoying, not that it’s broken.
I agree. It may be the case that there’s just a lack of communication between teams about exactly when the hotfix would take effect. I just logged in now and the appearances available for me to choose at the Rostrum.
When are you guys going to fix enhancement shaman? We take way too much damage in delves, even though we meet ilvl requirements. There’s no good option for Brann because he dies so fast as tank, makes you look for tiny red bottles on the floor to heal yourself, or does DPS while you die.
I’m cheesing delves with other classes in delves that are way over my ilvl without breaking a sweat, but my main class feels like glass. Please fix!
It really is baffling, like they come out with all these fixes and no mention of Brewmaster since TWW Alpha?
OK jokes aside yeh it’s annoying seeing the fix like “We sorted your achievement, enjoy your mount”… but did you test it? We joke about non existent QA at Blizzard, but this is beyond a joke, all they need to do is give someone a Martins Fury, walk into the Underpin fight, press a button and see what happens, it takes 2 minutes of testing.
I don’t think they’re necessarily ‘hiding’. If nothing’s been done, I assume that means that whatever data they’re looking at suggests that it doesn’t line up with community perception and thus, brew doesn’t really need any changes.