Losing prim wave and AG for ele

literally feels so bad.

Not only did you gimp our maelstrom generation, burst potential and overall damage, but you also removed ancestral guidance for our burst healing/defensive.

All we got to compensate was a 80% buff to healing stream with feels like nothing and no compensation to damage in ANY lightning bolt/tempest modifiers, we also got no buffs to healing surge/mana reduction, or any buffs to earth shield healing. (specifically for ele)

Please look at giving us something.


hard agree, Primordial Wave was literally perfect, and they completely butchered it. Patch notes claimed it was a “complicated spell”
??? How ??? You press it, it applied flame shock, then your next lava burst sends more lava bursts, what part of that is hard to get? Now it’s not even worth taking as it does less damage than a lava burst overload every 30 seconds…


I must confess I hated everything about this change but I somehow underestimated how awful it feels in open world to lose the button I used to initiate combat in open world combat and have it replaced with awkward flame shock into prim wave into unbuffed lava burst instead of the old prim wave and maybe lava totem into aoe lava burst. Still looking for the loss in complexity.


This is the issue right here. I’m sure it’s not a terribly big deal in M+ to drop a totem, but it feels super cumbersome forking around farming/questing. I almost feel like they wanted to change it for enhance and sort of spaced how bad of a QoL issue it would be for ele.


in PvP it is bad… healers dispelling flame shock on CD means you have to flame shock, wait, flameshock, drop magma totem, flameshock,

you lose out on the maelstrom from lavabursts and the damage from prim wave echos, plus the flame shock spread to the 3rd target.

While I dont mind us losing prim wave itself, I do think we weren’t compensated at all. If I need to cast lava burst more and lose the go every 30 seconds, then I want to see some damage increases.

We also lost AG which was key to our kit for YEARS. Just to get a 80% buff on healing stream which isn’t even amazing or compensational for the healing lost by AG when needed. Once again, they removed it for resto, but it trickled down to us.

I hope we see some of the following to compensate for what they took.

-Flame shock damage increased by 5%
-Lava burst damage increased by 10%
-Healing stream totem healing increased by 20%, duration increased by 2 seconds, and health increased by 100%
-Earth shield healing increased by 10%
-Healing surge healing increased by 20%


One of the worst changes made to Ele in a long time. What a complete disappointment. P.Wave was such a fun and cool ability for Ele and now it’s a butchered piece of garbage.


Losing AG and Primo wave for elemental is a huge hit, feels awful, I truly dont understand why this change needed to happen.


Please give Ele it’s Pwave back!!


Revert Pwave change and return AG, or if AG has to go for “reasons” let HST heal more than 1% per tick and/or heal multiple targets.


Why on earth would they think this would be a good change for ele? They claimed it was too complicated to use, but I’ve never seen anyone complain that it was…

Absolute bs. I hope people keep posting about this until bliz notices and reverts it.

Also this.

Either bring back AG or buff our totem to heal us more. I used it in a bg recently and it healed everyone but me for half its duration.


Lot of the complaints were more so during Dragonflight because original Splintered Elements was giving 10% per target hit so not have 6 Flame Shocks out was a notice able damage loss. Enhance players hated needed to do an involved process of Flame Shocking 1 target, Pwaving another, hitting one of those 2 with Lava Lash, then hitting Lighting Bolt. For Ele it was that LMT was a minute CD so it was pain to get Shocks out effectively. Not to mention that Flame Shock was a bit more hefty during season 3/4 with meatball spam since the more Shocks you had out, the higher chance you to proc Lava Surge. Stuff changed going into the TWW where it was’t insanely a big deal to not have max Flame Shocks out and making it easier to get em out (still sucked for Ele).

I don’t think they considered at all what it would do to Ele. I don’t even think they looked at Ele for the most part. Hell the most substantial changes we got this patch are largely blanket changes to Hero Talents they did to the other specs or Class Tree Changes. The only thing they did specific for us was largely just visual/animation changes and making it so you have to have a target and making DRE proc based on Maelstrom spent (which they also fundamentally did for enhance did for Enhance).

The reason why this was a good change for Enhance is it that it hinges on a number of substantial and well thought changes specifically to multiple spec/hero talents to account for wanting to change Pwave in this way. P-Storm is the thing that actually does damage in the P-wave loop and it was designed in a manner so it literally can be played with pretty much any talent combo or hero talent and scales with all their damage types. They removed Primal Maelstrom (gave you 5 MSW stacks when you pressed Pwave) to make room for P-Storm along with making Splinter a 2 point node and moving it in Primal’s spot meaning they thought about the impact of Enhance a free talent point in the post 20 point talent bracket (hint: borderline OP). They even made P-wave apply Lighting Rod to targets hit for Stormbringer since that was a pretty important role old Pwave had for Stormbringer since your Bolt cleave would do that and they wanted to ensure it was still a gameplay option. They also changed Molten Assault to spread to 5 targets with Lava Lash instead of 4 to account for Pwave not applying Flame Shock and since all you lose not having 6 targets with Flame Shock by pressing Pwave is 4% haste and a target with Lighting Rod, you can largely CBA with getting that 6th one out since a large part of the damage is unrelated to Flame Shock; in short, they basically fixed the most annoying part of Pwave that a large part of Enhance players complained about in DF (number of buttons needing to pressed, process of getting 6 shocks out). It’s like borderline rework levels of changes for Enhance and the new Pwave.

Like if they made Pwave change as they did and didn’t change anything else like they did with us, Enhance players wouldn’t be praising the Pwave change as much. But they would have the option to completely ignore it since they don’t have a hero talent combined with the season 2 tier set that fundamentally requires it in raid. What really stings is that we know the devs can cook some cool stuff, as seen with all the stuff they did SPECIFICALLY for the Pwave change let alone cool stuff like our rework. But it just feels like we didn’t get a glance and got completely ignored outside making some stuff match the other specs. The fact that during the majority of raid testing Ele had ridiculous bugs like Ascendance granting only 100% bonus damage to Overloads and DRE giving an 18 Second Ascendance is also very telling.


It’s awful. The ability feels awful to use. I don’t understand the change making it into what it is now. Atleast before it was an instant ability that setup an insta Lavaburst with FS, now it hits like a noodle and requires a FS to even use.

Is it even worth running with Stormbringer? Farseer needs it to just proc grandparents.


None of these changes would help fix what they broke here… except MAYBE the healing surge increased by 20%

With the damage loss from these changes, flame shock would need at least a 20% increase, and Lava Burst would need at least a 40-50% increase.

Those lava bursts from primordial wave generated maelstrom. You’ll effectively be casting less Earth Shocks/Elemental Blasts as well as losing the damage from those lava bursts as well as adding 1 GCD like every 14 seconds to keep flame shock up in an unnatural feeling manner.

Can’t believe they destroyed Pwave. So bad


Elemental felt AMAZING in the previous patch … But in Undermine(d)? :face_vomiting:

Gotta say, speaking on behalf of the greater majority of elemental shaman out there? Absolutely despise the changes.

Honestly, I want them to change Primordial wave back to how it was – BEFORE.

Especially for Elemental :bangbang:

I’m not too bothered about Primordial Wave in the other two specs — but as for elemental? Maaaan, it just feels like Elekk Poodoo now :sob:


Revert Pwave!