NEW Pwave sucks 4$$, Removing AG is a major cop out to adjusting the Talent

Feels like $hit.


Couldn’t agree more. The spec is dead at this point it plays like crap and the damage is really low. Not even interested in playing something else I will just unsubscribe at this point.


They never had to touch primordial wave, it was fantastic. They didn’t have to touch Ancestral Guidance, it was fine. They didn’t have to change lightning bolt, it was good.

So confused at these changes man.


I was trying to run some campaign quest and on a single target I used to be able to Primordial them which would put Flame Shock on them and then have a Lava Surge Lava Burst and the Primordial mechanic would hit the target again with a 2nd less powerful Lava Burst. Now I have to Flame Shock the target then Primordial the target and then Lava Surge Lave Burst which does NOT hit the target a 2nd time.

So I have to do 3 abilities to do what I use to be able to do with 2 abilities and my damage is cut in half. Like seriously WTF.


New Pwave is dog $h!t!!



:beers: Here’s to the hopes they change Primordial Wave back to how it was.


Undermine(d) ruined it.

Honestly, it was such a gutting change to the spec — It feels like they ripped the fun out through the heart of the class’s spec and threw it in the players face :sob:

… Well, hopefully with the changes to come (as all new patches have) they respond to the mass outcries and make the better decision to changing it back. :dracthyr_nod:

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Clearly they’re going for “change everything for the worse” because we can’t have two shaman specs be awesome at the same time.

We need Pwave fixed asap and we need blizzard to communicate their plans. This version is TRASH!!