Ele primordial wave is the worst

Gonna just put my post out there for blizz to see…hopefully. No burst damage clunky feeling. Not even feeling procs for lava burst as much as i did. Useless spell now dont even want to take it but forced to. Going back to enh seems to be the only option at this point. Way to ruin a good spec.


Pwave on Enh is phenomenal. I can understand the Ele players pain, hopefully if they revert or change it back, they don’t touch Enh too.


Fix Pwave for Ele Shaman!! #signed


Enh makes since it was clunky for them. But this for ele is a big no

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:100: Percent, I feel the same way.
Elemental feel AMAZING in the previous patch … But in Undermine(d)? :face_vomiting:

Needless to say, but yeah I despise the changes.
Honestly, I want them to change Primordial wave back to how it was – BEFORE.

Especially for Elemental :bangbang:

Like ugh, it feels like absolute garbage now, whereas before it ecstatically felt like it truly rocked the core vibes of ‘Shaman’ class-fantasy and felt immensely empowering – Not just in the literal sense, but in the emotional sense too, it was such a cool & fun spell … Just doesn’t feel the same anymore :pensive:

  • The change to the spell just feels so utterly useless and makes the spec feel tremendously less fun to play.
  • Whereas prior, it was immensely satisfying especially when there was to see lava burst cast multiple times to every target affected by flame shock :star_struck:

I’m not too bothered about Primordial Wave in the other two specs — but as for elemental? Maaaan, it just feels like Elekk Poodoo now :sob:


It feels great on enhancement. The abilty to cast several abilties as one CD with just a small ramp up is nice. But last night in arenas my flame shock was getting disp left andnright and i was forced to use acendance into primwave just to use it. It felt good having primwave into lava for someone low health running away while i could run after to end the game was awsome. Now im having to worry more about maintaining 1 dot just to do tickle damage to even hit anyone sucks. Its clunky.

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I am also sad about the changes. Was really enjoying ele for awhile there.


Revert the change for Ele PWave please


Please give Ele it’s Pwave back! Communicate with us!


Fingers crossed they’ll change it back – at the very least for elemental :sob:


I feel like maybe they wanted to remove the multi-target LvB because they had already baked that effect into Ascendance and DRE. If so, then they need to replace that effect with something worth pressing. Maybe they felt that is what the Farseer tree is for.

I don’t understand it still being tied to Flame Shock if this is the case. If it isn’t setting up this big LvB spread and its damage is going to be tuned so low then why is it still locked to Flame Shock’d targets? Maybe if it were to greatly magnify and refresh or extend and maybe spread those flame shocks enough to make Fire Elemental a more enticing choice over the haste from Lightning Elemental I could understand.


Pwave might be better if ele had a decent method of spreading flame shock other than hard casting it on CD. For some reason enh has 2 strong flame shock spreaders, but ele doesn’t .

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Totemic Enh has 3 ways to spread Flame Shock. Theirs cleaves with increased damage every 30s.

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Oof. That baffles me. Ele is supposed to be the flame shock spreading spec, but for some reason enh is better at it and scales harder off it.

Honestly, I wish they would just remove the shock spells at this point. They’re a relic and dont even have decent cast animations.


I like Shocks but their effects are underwhelming. Even with all the Flame Shock buffs, Ele’s does little damage. I think the spec is at a point that LvB could just spread and refresh it innately similar to what Lava Lash does for Enh. Then they just need to let it do good damage or buff how much Maelstrom it generates. They could also bring back Lava Beam by letting Lava Surge work with Chain Lightning. Have it do volcanic-type damage and proc the effects that you’d normally have to press LvB to activate but in AoE.


Elemental would be fine for the most part if they simply returned Primordial Wave back to how it was :person_shrugging:


Fire Elemental as it currently stands won’t come into play just from the sheer fact that the 16% haste beats out increased tick rate Flame Shock and duration, especially when you consider that 16% is essentially doing the same thing as increasing the tick rate by 33%. Nature damage also makes up a larger proportion of our damage profile, which was the case even with old Pwave, so the 10% Nature damage amp from Elemental Unity wins out too since Farseer you’re playing Earth Shock instead of Elemental Blast. Searing Flame and Lava Surge proc rates have been completely normalized proc rates in a way that it is the same regardless of the number of damage events within a epoch of time or the number of active shocks out which negates the benefit of the increased tick rate that Fire Ele gives.

I mean the specific ability Primordial Wave works the sameway between Enhance and Ele with it hitting Flame Shock targets for piss damage and Splintered Elements granting haste based on the number of targets hit, the only difference between the two related to to the ability is that Enhance got the 5 MSW generated from hitting Pwave from the talent Primal Maelstrom baked into Pwave. For Enhance, the thing that does damage for them is Primordial Storm, not Primordial Wave. If Enhance weren’t given Primordial Storm (and get other talent changes like the Molten Assault), the new Pwave would be just as dull for Enhance as it is for Ele and would essentially not take it.

My doomer self thinks they made this change to Ele absentmindedly, and completely forgot to make similar changes to Ele that they did for Enhance.

One of the things they did during beta was normalizing the proc rates of Lava Surge and Searing Flames so that they are the same regardless of whether you have 1 Flame Shock out or 6, which also largely made Fire Ele weaker. It’s also why even if you playing LMT in raid or M+ with Pwave it wasn’t really worth it to waste time trying to maximize the amount of Shocks you had out before you sent your Lava Burst, you’d just Pwave something, throw LMT, then send your Lava Burst. They basically gutted alot of the power of Flame Shock which is Erupting Lava still remains an unattractive choice.