Stop ruining Shaman

What is it with this company’s insane fetish for needlessly changing this class?

It was perfect before 11.1. Perfect. You understand? There aren’t very many amazing, smooth, satisfying, visually pleasing specs in the game. Okay? Ret paladin is top tier satisfying to play - but that’s okay, because Paladin is Blizzard’s darling boy and won’t ever change for the worse.

Ele Shaman had, like, 1 expansion of being and feeling great before you buttheads had to go changing stuff.

The lightning bolt change. The primordial wave change.

The chain heal change, way way way back. So far back most people probably don’t know it used to be pretty green spell animation, instead of the ugly water that it is now.

In before they decide to change chain lightning (oh yeah, very satisfying spell) into something worse. Like they “update” the lightning animation into being less lightning-y, or something, idk.


Times change. It’s best not to get to attached to these things. Truly the way of the Shaman.


No it wasn’t perfect. I like the new animation for lighting bolt a lot better.

Actually this is not just paladin but druid also. Although with the addition of holy power to Paladins make it worse imo. Hate holy power it should go imo.


Man enhance on cata Yorsahj feels so freaking good. When fire nova was an actual good button.

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I agree. Ele was in such a great spot. I had no notes. Well that’s not true, I’d like to be as tanky as some other classes. But the gameplay was really good. I really enjoy the fire play style, but the version we landed on where it’s actually good to press lava burst instead of spamming lightning was a solid compromise. I even got to feel that fiery punch every 30 seconds with pwave. The shaman forums were a happy place and there were far fewer complaints than normal.

Then these changes start coming in for no reason when we didn’t ask for them. There are other classes out there that need attention, but the devs decided to screw ours up instead. I’m pretty sure that ele will be fine numbers wise this patch, but it’s losing its fun factor. Why did they even touch the spec? I just don’t get it


You liking that travel time too?

You high? Restro druid was awful at season 1 start. Both DPS specs are meh, and its tank spec is meh… haven’t had Druids be the start of the show for a good bit.

I remain unwavered at being beleaguered at bad change. Keyword bad.

You’re right, it wasn’t perfect. But it was better than it is now LOL

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When I cast I am point blank so I do not feel travel time. That’s what Enhancement is melee up close and in your face

Blizzards real favorite spec has always been druid. They have refused to bring out 4th spec for any other classes even though doing so for some would help them gain more playablility. For ex giving Shamans a tank spec, or giving dh a 3rd spec of ranged dps, or giving paladins a 4th ranged spec. These would be welcome but they are refused.

Personally I would love to see Paladins get dw and or a ranged dps spec. I would love for Shamans to get a tank spec.

Either way Druids have always been bizzards favorite. They might be a lil behind but then they get buffed through the roof and yea.

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Cool. This post was about ele shaman and the travel time being a slight nerf to dps.

yea, thats why druid has been awful for multiple recent xpacs… lol…

most classes make almost no sense to have a 4th spec and adds a huge workload for devs just for a minor thing that would attract like <5% of the playerbase.

Druid makes sense because it has a ranged and melee class, it was already baked into the lore. Other classes aren’t.

No. This is dumb. A ranged spec for pally makes 0 sense from any way you look at it.

Perhaps state this next time just people who talk about issues in pvp but not state its a pvp thread.

Actually it seems to be a lot more than 5% of the player base but hey keep thinking how you do.

Actually no it does make sense with how many of their spells have range as dps spells why not. Make an offensive casting spec for holy abilities.

The only reason druid has 4 spec is because they had to choose whether to delete bear or cat and really wanted not to so they made an exception and kept them both. It was an exception not a new standard.

Also druids have to live with the massive L of Malfurion being their class representative.

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So who is the Representative for Paladins? The person it was from my understanding died in the starting of legion. And for Shamans Thrall hasn’t been a Shaman for a long time guess he still sees himself as a warrior? Point is that there people that want to see something added to classes ie some mages want a lighting spec or a shadow spec truly as mages. I personally would love to see Paladins either get a ranged dps or a dw spec. Dh’s have been asking for a ranged spec for a while, Shamans want a tank spec.

There are good reasons why a 4th specs and a 3rd spec for dh should be brought out. But only class that has them is druid. Shamans in classic had a lot of tankish abilities that gave us threat gen and so forth. Blizzard chose to remove/change those but decided to say wth give druids a 4th spec so they could melee dps/tank why not give shamans the same instead of just removing those abilities from us.

Now for the travel time argument on lighting bolt. I looked at it we are not the only ones with travel time on a ability most of the casters and even 2 specs for hunters have travel time. So for us to get it should not be a shocker we are now just even with the rest of the classes.

This was originally stated by OP. This entire post is about elemental and not enhance or resto. Elemental is the only spec that got absolutely nuked in this patch.

What data would support that? The amount of people playing druids 4 specs? I can’t stress this enough… THEIR LORE SUPPORTS THAT

Their melee spells have range to help compensate for their damage. All melee classes have spells that have a range to them to help facilitate their gameplay.

The difference is, their classes are balance around that travel time. This change was made without balancing with that travel time in mind. This is blatantly obvious because primordial wave wasn’t balanced for the changes made to it for elemental. i.e. the loss of maelstrom generation, and the loss of lava burst being cast on every enemy affected by flame shock after you use primordial wave. It’s roughly ~25-30% dps loss in its current state after patch.

We’re not “now just even with the rest of the classes” - I’m honestly just muting this conversation because you don’t actually put thought into these ideas or things you’re saying.

Ele was yes, enhance was not. I would actually say enhance is perfect now aside from maybe needing some survivability or mobility buffs (only one of the two), but not much. Gameplay is extremely fun. 11.1 rework was fantastic.

Ele gameplay was actually perfect before 11.1 due to tis rework, prim wave change really hurt it. Slowed down maelstrom gen a ton, nerfed dmg quite a bit, its just sad. They spent time on such a good rework and somehow never reverted this one single change on ptr that ele did not need.


Yeah I despise the changes.
Honestly, I want them to change Primordial wave back to how it was – BEFORE.

Especially for Elemental :bangbang:

Like ugh, it feels like absolute garbage now, whereas before it ecstatically felt like it truly rocked the core vibes of ‘Shaman’ class-fantasy and felt immensely empowering – Not just in the literal sense, but in the emotional sense too, it was such a cool & fun spell … Just doesn’t feel the same anymore :pensive:

  • The change to the spell just feels so utterly useless and makes the spec feel tremendously less fun to play.
  • Whereas prior, it was immensely satisfying especially when there was to see lava burst cast multiple times to every target affected by flame shock :star_struck:

I’m not too bothered about Primordial Wave in the other two specs — but as for elemental? Maaaan, it just feels like Elekk Poodoo now :sob:


So for Elemental I have not played elemental so I have not experienced the changes for elemental. I usually only go elemental for pvp and that is usually wpvp.

I do not think they will have a different pwave for elemental than they do for Enhancement.

For Enhancement I am loving the changes. I will say I did notice the travel time when I was using lighting bolt at ranged but it feels no different than using Lava Burst at range which we sometimes we have to do to avoid mechanics and what not so I really do not feel it.

I do not know what it is like for elemental. I do love the new animation for Lighting Bolt. And tbh I hate Pwave wish we had a choice between it and Chain Harvest. That is what I would rather use.

So to do this I would take from StormBringer Natures protection and baseline it and make it give 5-10% damage reduction.

I would also increase spirit wolf’s speed increase by 10-20% and increase non spirit wolf movement by no more than 2-4%

Fix Pwave for Ele! Communicate with us explain yourselves!


Hmm … Think I’ll cancel my sub. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Not enjoying the playstyle of my classes anymore; particularly shaman, which I –


– Enjoying, until Blizzard absolutely ruined it in the Undermine(d) patch :sob:

  • And as evidentially seen, it seems many other shaman players feel the same way

Ultimately: The content can be bountiful with fun mechanics & have tremendously awesome themes – But if the playstyle of your character isn’t fun, you’re not really going to get much enjoyment out of it all. :person_shrugging:


I’m thinking about doing the same. I bought 1 month to come check out the patch but I’m basically not interested in playing my shaman at all. So right now I’m just kinda levelling alts, idk

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Welp, I’ve cancelled my subscription but it’s got a few months to tick on it still due to previously selected subscription package I was on, lol

But either way – It’s done.
Hopefully they’ll change it back :beers:
… So I can change my subscription back :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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