This thread is regarding the Patch 11.1 Undermine(d)
Particularly in correlation with the changes made on ‘Primordial Wave’ for Shaman.
Now, I know I obviously don’t speak for “All” (as such a thing is impossible, especially on the forums) — However I’d wager this thread comes from the voices of quite a significant amount of the shaman playerbase …
From the many players I’ve spoken to, either from within my guild, on discord, trade chat and heck even from what it appears to already been seen expressed on these forums, along with myself – That the class-changes made to shaman in the:
- Patch 11.1: Undermine(d)
In regards toward our spell ‘Primordial Wave’ – Especially for elemental — has been rather ill-received & not particularly enjoyed
Overall? Honestly, many of us want for the game to change Primordial wave back to how it was – BEFORE.
Especially for Elemental 
Like ugh, it feels like absolute garbage now, whereas before - it ecstatically felt like it truly rocked the core vibes of ‘Shaman’ class-fantasy and felt immensely empowering – Not just in the literal sense, but in the emotional sense too, it was such a cool & fun spell … Just doesn’t feel the same anymore
- The change to the spell just feels so blandly useless and makes the spec feel tremendously less fun to play.
- Whereas prior, it was immensely satisfying especially when there was to see lava burst cast multiple times to every target affected by flame shock
Personally, I’m not too bothered about Primordial Wave in the other two specs — but as for elemental? Maaaan, it just feels like Elekk Poodoo now
Now the reason I’m making this thread here – In the general discussion — as opposed to the ‘Shaman’ class thread section, is due to the fact that I had already made a thread on such then shortly after realised there were already several other threads on the matter already … Some from almost two months ago.
- Change Primordial Wave back (My previously mentioned thread)
And from what I’ve been told, there was more threads on the PTR forums … But those aside, there’s obviously been a negatively received outcome on the changes made to the shaman class with ‘Primordial Wave’ — Especially to the spec of Elemental.
I’d wager Blizzard wants the players to have the utmost enjoyment when playing their classes, so I’d like to rise a voice on behalf of the great shaman out there and plead Blizzard into changing the spell back — For the sake of playing and enjoying great content, with enjoyable gameplay.
For non-shaman players Thankyou for taking the time to read.