Stop Pretending You Care About Authenticity

it’s not about authenticity
we know some changes are good
but here’s the thing
your suggestions
yes, YOURS specifically
are almost always very bad.

Added all this to the original post. Anyone else see a trend?

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Obligatory: “You didn’t really play WoW back in the day, did you?”

There are a lot of dumb people on the forums, but Kumasama is really pushing to cement himself as the dumbest.

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“Stop pretending you care about authenticity.”

I’ve never cared about authenticity. I cared about vanilla and TBC simply being better games than the current retail.

And they are.

Has Blizzard done pretty much everything in their power to screw up this launch. Yep.

But TBC is still a better game than retail and I’m playing it.

Caveat: I’m not limited to only leveling via dungeons. I know a lot of current TBC players have this limitation.

He’s trying to conflate 2 different groups as well. And for what reason? Only to troll as far as I can tell.

because otherwise he can’t totally pwn u with overly simplistic binary-based arguments, bro

Well a retail lover like yourself would think that.

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sure, jan.

Go back to retail

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Is it as dumb as continually paying for a subscription and saying…

Because I can’t imagine anything dumber than continually assuming the worst is going to happen with a company you continually give your money to.

What’s your excuse?

The thing is a lot of people HAVE quit. Even if I go by frequent forum posters a pretty large percentage have said they are not happy with how things have gone and they’ve walked away. They aren’t here anymore. If you look everywhere else you see the same thing.

Other players are raid logging or just have a reduced interest. Yes, Blizzard still gets their money but these players aren’t as engaged and they are far more likely to just quit when their guild disbands or whatever.

I’ve always said I’m here to play with friends and that’s the #1 reason why I’m still playing. So I will play as long as they do. I also do like the core of the game. Things like HvH which I’ve been vocally against I just continue to not personally engage in but I’m not going to yell at another horde, for example, in-game just for playing BGs. There’s no point and they aren’t doing anything wrong.

I might put faction balance and layers really in the same place but wouldn’t put the total mishandling of almost every server there. Now that you added all those post quotes this seems to be what you’re getting at, almost to say that people should be happy to give money to this company to transfer because they “like and support changes”. I disagree.

IMO Blizzards handling of the game is a solid 2/10 and the points are only for doing things like banning cheaters and keeping the servers running. I have unsubbed 2 accounts as well for what it’s worth, with reasons (related to the server stuff). A lot of people are really unhappy with Blizzard right now even for reasons both related to Classic/TBCC and unrelated.

I’ve seen your other posts and I know what you’re getting at but I don’t agree with the premise. Especially how you seem to be saying that if people weren’t happy they would quit. MANY already have.

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50+ replies. Gotta call it a successful troll attempt.

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the thing is, blizzard used to be good. and they made this amazing game we now call vanilla/TBC classic. we want to play that as bug-free and change-free as possible. this game was so good, we’re willing to pay the currently awful company of Acti-Blizzard money to play it. well, at least that’s how it used to work. they are finding lots of ways to mess up this simple arrangement.

No, what I’m saying is people want the game to change and be more like retail. Brack was correct. We think we want it, but we don’t.

We want retail. Not exactly like, not mostly like, but more like retail. Because Retail gets a lot of things right and Classic should emulate the things they got right.

Anyone arguing for an “authentic” experience just wants the game to die. Period. They’d rather WoW die in stagnant “authenticity” than be enlivened by good changes.

oh no lizard mounts! the game is ruuuuuuuuined :scream:

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this has been a long time coming. the forum is sick and tired of kumasama.

But was anything of value lost?

I’m not. I think Kumasma is funny.

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you would.