These servers are a problem

Sorry for yet another dying server thread, but Blizz needs to hear it from every single person paying them money. I gave up on WoW back during Cata as I didn’t like the direction the game was going. I went a few years without the crack and started playing free private servers of the WoW I use to love. Now I am willingly give my money back to Blizz because they created legit Classic WoW and again I’m considering looking back into private servers or just quitting all together because populations on various servers are so low that it is killing the experience.

While I have not been back at it long, I can see just by scrolling through the forum that this is not a new issue. What this classic MMORPG experience as grossly missing is Multiplayer. Not just in end game, but the leveling journey to get to end game. It is completely non existent. I just spend what ever it was for that stupid dark portal pass and I already don’t care anymore. Stop being lazy and greedy and start merging dead servers. This is absolutely ridiculous and I honestly can’t say I plan on resubscribing if this is what it going to be like. You are losing long term subscribers for short term monetary gain.


But, didn’t you see?!?!? They FIXED the GCD!!!

I have never heard of a more out of touch company. Coked up monkeys. I hope they lose every penny they tried to milk out of transfers in their lawsuit


Is there an agency beyond Blizzard we the players can reach out to such as the BBB or some agency/organization that oversees companies behaviors that sells a service? Seems monopolistic to offer transfer services and continue to ignore these realms for over a year. Its almost like they’re preying on the players who already pay for a subscription for “support” and access to a 15 year old version of the game with minimal maintenance. I’m sure Blizzard collects THOUSANDS a week in character services since they continue to ignore server population and refuse to get involved to alleviate issues caused by their abandonment. The sad reality is, WoW players are very loyal and some are even addicted to the game, where they’ll spend money willingly even when being wronged by Blizzard month over month.

Lets stand together and get the response we deserve. We tolerated the botting (and still do), the buggy patches, basically automated GM responses for “support”, the list goes on and on. Happy to form a coalition and ensure our voices are heard - whatever it takes.


I don’t understand how it isn’t borderline illegal that I have 23 raiders on my server but there own game recommends 25. They are not providing me with the tools needed it complete the game without paying a fee others do not have to.

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We know Blizzard is looking at realm populations and choosing to ignore speaking to the community about TBC Classic realm populations, as there are some transfer initiatives for Classic realms (Non TBC)

Today they announced new upcoming servers for Classic WoW. We demand an update on TBC Classic servers. We refuse to pay for transfer fees.

Best we can do is go with what the lower poster said - just make it known that blizzard absolutely deserve 0 business on as many platforms as possible. Maybe we can make their transfer money a drop in the bucket compared to the future business they will lose

It can’t you that long to get back to 26. That said, it is sad to see how little they care about realms. They need to either merge up realms or close small ones and give everyone on them a free transfer off.

Cancel your subscriptions and leave feedback in the reasons why you’re cancelling. Expect content creators and more of the community to be aware of these server population issues plaguing Classic WoW in the near future. The community deserves a response from Blizzard already. Do not keep paying for transfers to allow realms to die off.

Sign and share this. We deserve better as paying customers. Do not let Blizzard take any more of our money for transfers.

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