Server free transfers or Merge

I play on the server Kirtonos for TBC classic and the population has been getting worse and worse for months now. It’s a PvP server that once had a fair split for ally to horde. The alliance now does not even have enough to do a single 25 man raid.

Now full guilds are transferring off the server and what was once a medium/high population server is now extremely low with more guilds transferring soon.

We should not be forced to pay more money so that we can improve the quality of our gameplay. Sooner or later the remaining 200 or so of us will just quit the game and you’ll lose that many subs.

Blizzard needs to allow free transfers from destroyed servers like kirtonos or merge them. I know many of us are debating quitting blizzard games altogether and playing another MMORPG if nothing is done.

This inaction is unacceptable for a company that claims to care about their players.


Clearly the top issue on the minds of TBC players.


Yeah, I agree with you OP. It’s not fair that Blizzard is essentially financially blackmailing players on low-pop servers. I hope they do something for you, soon!


Clearly. What the hell are they waiting for?

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Thanks for your thread and sorry to hear about your server, people get directed to the forums by customer service all the time over this. Blizzard created the issue by making endless layers and no transfer restrictions. They refuse to do anything to help anyone because the only thing they want is MTX money to show shareholders (I don’t know if you were directed here but we get multiple threads from new posters the same).

The majority of servers are having issues right now. Blizzards solution so far has been to do nothing but offer sales so more people will transfer off “to get the deal” which was basically a middle finger to those of us who have spent the last few months talking about this issue and those who have hoped things would change for the better.

IMO Blizzard at this point will either continue to do nothing or do something when it’s way too late but threads like this are good anyway. Stuff about it has been all over Reddit and Youtube as well which has been ignored.

Your solutions are to stay where you are and deal with it, quit (I recommend this for anyone on the fence), reroll or pay money.

A lot of people have moved to a few super mega servers even if they don’t like an environment where it feels a lot like Retail with layers where no one knows each other and due to that the environment tends to be very toxic with a poor community and nothing like a Classic experience (there are threads daily showing how toxic the mega servers are). There are a couple of servers that look ok but nobody knows at this point.


THIS! Holy crap how much longer are you guys going to milk us? Merge some realms already before it’s too late.


I rolled on my server 2+ years ago, right after classic launched. Today, it is one of the smallest servers out there, and getting smaller everyday. I know folks have quit because they couldn’t find an arena partner, or a dungeon groups in a timely manner for their schedules. And for what reason? That we rolled on a server that wasn’t experiencing 4+ hour queues in the early phases of classic.

We shouldn’t have to pay more money, to transfer to a server, to actually play the game.

Blizzard should have done some reordering or planned for it at the end of classic or start of TBC, and would rather just milk us for more money through transfers.


To the top bump bump

Fellow Kirtonan here.
Due to the already low pop weeks ago, a few guilds transferred off which basically caused a snowball effect leaving only a few guilds left.

It’s pretty much pointless to play alts since you can’t even do dungeons to get rep, etc. The only groups you have a chance at are formed by guildies at this point, if any are even logged on.

At this point it feels like the only real option is to raid log as long as our raid group is viable.

In the end, $40 for New World is cheaper than $100+ to transfer all of my characters off.

Incidentally, Blizz could merge a Horde-only server like ours with an Alliance-only server and fix two at once, and make some more vibrant communities that actually encourage people to play rather than simply raid log.


It’s really not a hard concept to grasp.

As an example smolderweb is basically 100% horde and so is kirtonos. Those two servers together add up to roughly 1,900 which is the amount of alliance on a nearly 100% alliance dominated heartseeker server. Keep in mind these are all east coast servers… Merge them… And then use this same simple concept and apply it to other servers to combine them.

Blizzard needs to get their hands out of their pockets and do something


Why merge servers when they can milk $25 from you instead or if they’re feeling generous $18

My server is pretty dead and I refuse to pay money for a transfer. I’d quit but I’m way too addicted lol. So I’m stuck here in the desert until blizzard decided to address the problem, which is probably never.


People need to stop asking for free stuff especially transfers. Either pay , reroll on a different server or live with it.

Blizzard employee detected


I’d agree with you for other things (and in the past) but people just want to find groups and play etc. Blizzard has done pretty much the worst job possible of managing their servers.


Yet there are many people on Kirtonos who are fine how it is, so don’t pretend you speak for all the server.

The question you need to ask yourself is what is it you want Blizzard to do.
1 - Do you want multiple low pop horde servers merged? You just want more people to dungeon grind with? To what end? Get your prebis/phase bis, then stop playing too or level an alt and have people carry you and complain no one is grouping again?

2 - Do you want Low Pop Horde/Ally servers merged? You did join a PvP server, and that wont help you grouping but there were some who left Kirtonos to play on a High Pop Ally server for World PvP

3 - Do you want to hop to Sulfuras and join a high pop server like many others did. you can group whenever, but you got to buy your mats and crap out of the AH since every farming node will be covered.

Asking Blizzard to “fix it” but not being specific on what the problem is other than “we got no one to play with, I’m so lonely” helps no one

The requested solutions were pretty clear…either provide free transfers so the few hundred players left on the server can go to one with a better population, or merge several of the low-pop PVP servers in such a way that they are fairly balanced numerically.

Kirtonos has effectively no Alliance, yet is nominally a PVP server. There are other PVP servers with effectively no Horde. Merge these low pop servers so that there’s a solid amount of Horde and Alliance thus making it resemble more of what it used to before everything snowballed and 75+% of the guilds left.


It was the world pvp that made the alliance leave in the first place. And you know they wont let you xfer to a High Pop server for free. Just killing that server even more.

Who can we tweet and DM to get more visibility on this topic? We the players demand action from Blizzard

i took 2 Alliance guys off Incendius to Earthfury with a guild at the end of classic. Earthfury has dropped over 10% of it’s alliance population since then.

Only reason I won’t take this guy off this defacto PvE server, Skeram, is because nothing guarantees the server I go to doesn’t suffer the same fate. In a few months I could be back on another 99% Horde server contemplating another$25 transfer.

I was never a “no changes” hardliner, I think my opinion on changes was more like … no opinion. But I’m starting to shift more to some changes are absolutely needed. This isn’t, and never was going to be, the same game and experience it was back 2004-2009. This game needs a population to be successful. It had 7 million people leveling back then… and they have to do something, be it with transfers or dual specs, to keep grouping alive.

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