Stop Pretending You Care About Authenticity

Blizzard can introduce anything they want to TBC Classic and you would still play it.

True or false?

I don’t think I need to answer that. You would need to prove your claim is true for both answers.

Because you can’t. Because your answer would inevitably be based on what you care about.

No just because two different counter-examples could answer that question differently. You would need to prove that neither of us exist. It would not be enough to disprove the existence of a single counter-example.

I’m staying at the American Gardens building on the 31st floor. My name is Raiden. I’ve been a cyborg for over six years. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet, and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little rusty, I’ll start with tarnish remover, then a liquid polish, then a foaming anti-corrosive which I leave on for ten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. After my cleansing, I’ll apply WD-40 to my limbs. Always use water displacement when lubricating, because non-WD will leave you squeaky. For conditioning, I do pushups. I can do thousands now! There is an idea of a Raiden. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only a soldier. Something mechanical. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand, and feel metal gripping yours. And maybe you can even sense that I’ve distanced myself from my past, Jack the Ripper is always there.

What kind of mental gymnastic are these? :rofl:

Why does caring about something have to be 100 or 0? Why can’t I care about authenticity to some extent but understand that something like releasing a classic game 100% authentically isn’t possible to produce?

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Your question is moving the goalposts. It doesn’t matter what my answer is. I’m also not the only counter-example. The format of a counter example is any person who cares about authenticity yet plays the game. There are so many counter-examples that it’s trivial to find them. Not every counter example must answer your questions the same way. Therefore, you must demonstrate that what you’re saying is true regardless of the answers your questions. The questions are essentially irrelevant.

There are only two relevant questions:

Do you care about authenticity?
Do you play the game?

Why is it impossible for any one person to answer yes to both of these two questions?

Do you see yet how ridiculous your claim is?

Of course, if you say that anyone who cares about authenticity yet plays the game is pretending, well that’s just begging the question isn’t it?

No, you simply cannot answer in any way shape or form that doesn’t otherwise give evidence that what you care about impacts whether or not you have an active subscription.

Connected Realms was/is a garbage bandaid fix to try to make the game seam more alive, but all it really did was destroy community.

Are now complaining? People have been complaining about this since P2 of Classic Vanilla.

Yes. Because where I may disagree with the “some changes” mantra that they decided to go with for TBCC. It is still a far superior game to any other MMO currently on the market. (IMO)

I do. I personally wish it was no changes/progressive patches all through TBCC mirroring the patches from OG TBC.

Your right. It isn’t “what it was,” it was never going to be.

That doesn’t change the fact that I would like it to be as close to the original as possible.

You think I can’t answer a true/false question?

Like I just wish I could answer it but I don’t know how!

Come on, you claim to be a logical person. This is a joke.

I told you already that this is true for me.


Because I quit when Cataclysm ruined the game, and I think Dual Spec would be a swell #SomeChanges for TBCC.

So, its either 100% authentic or you rage quit and don’t play?

The #nochanges crowd did not support phasing that allowed for super sized realms and ensured low pop realms would be worse. Did not support boosts which killed leveling below 60 and made it much easier for people to switch factions. Did not support the bandaid fixes like same faction bg’s.

However, since this is the core of the people who actually want to play tbc, we’re stuck dealing with it. Wouldn’t it make more sense to blame the current problems on the people who were pro changes?

Also, whats up with wolfshead helms? Hadn’t heard about that.

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No it didn’t. Retail is more popular than TBC Classic. Retail has a community. Several, in fact. If they didn’t then people streaming Retail on Twitch would be out of a job.

Yup, this is your opinion. Can’t argue against the fact that this truly is your opinion.

No you don’t. It doesn’t matter what changes Blizzard makes to TBC Classic. You would still play the game.

You’re lying.

You can. But you won’t. Because then you’d just be contradicting yourself.

Of course you did. If you didn’t I wouldn’t be saying you’re contradicting yourself by simultaneously saying it isn’t true for you.

That’s what a contradiction is.

There is no 100%. It’s either authentic or it’s not. Unless you’re implying there’s a line to be drawn which, interestingly, nobody ever does. :thinking:

I said authenticity affects my enjoyment of the game (I care about authenticity)
My enjoyment of the game is a condition for me to play the game.
Authenticity is not a condition for me to play the game.

This is my entire argument in concise terms. Demonstrate the contradiction.

So, retail trolls demand changes in classic and if the people who actually want to play classic don’t quit in protest when Blizz accommodates them then all changes should be allowed? Like let’s put transmog, dual spec, and automatic dungeon groups in tbc?

Did I get that logic right?


Not all the things that affect my enjoyment of the game are conditions for playing the game.

Not all the things that affect my access to the game are conditions for playing the game.

Not all the things that affect my ability to pay my subscription are conditions for playing the game.

Authenticity would have to be a condition for my enjoyment of the game. That’s not the case, it’s just a factor.

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No I think what he’s saying is that if you have to view all changes as 100% equal, and that if some crazy change like adding sunwell before black temple or adding those NPCs from beta that gave away all the consumables and enchants for free is something that would make you quit playing then things like same faction BGs should make you quit playing too.

Your mental gymnastics are fun to watch, at any rate.

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