Classic TBC pop

Hey blizzard, thanks for introducing level boosts. The game now feels dead from levels 1-50 on Arugul OCE. Can you at least merge oce pvp servers so there are more people playing on one server and the game actually feels like wow. There are many reasons it isnt fun leveling in empty zones. One of them is world pvp which is the reason I started playing wow in the first place. Also remove micro transactions from tbc thanks Blizzard!


I do agree! The level boost to level 58 is stupid and does not feel like classic at all.


I’ll accept reduced zone pops from 1-50 in exchange for a more active 60+ population every day

Could merge servers and you would get both? Also it’s kinda lame since you spend like 100+ hours getting to 60

I used a boost, then rerolled dumb mistake. Problem with boosts are as said already…low pops at low levels and laziness…one thing I was guilty of…but at least I realized it before it was too late.

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Anybody else get a deja vu feeling from reading the OP? It’s like I’ve read this exact same complaint a thousand times at this point.

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It also didn’t help things that we only got a 2 week prepatch is prepatch instead of the month we were supposed to get either

Nah we needed that 4 month t4

People pay them for boosts. No one is paying for them to merge realms. Lord Kotick has yachts to buy and wants to own a small island one day. Honestly though they could just make a Kickstarter for realm merges… that would satisfy the investors and get it done.

You puts down your money and you takes your chances.

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