San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Thread made.

Thank you all for the kind posts.

And, Maizou.

Please dive my created topics.

I consider WoW my most favorite game of all time.

Sadly, for now, just because of it’s currently untapped potential.


I added my own threads to my list as well when I updated it alphabetically and with the authors for that same reason.

I want people to share it and I didn’t want to accidentally forget my own threads. >.<


…Me with the ‘human vampyr’ idea…


Care to refind your passion?

As I constantly remind myself, Blizzard HAS chosen at least once now to actually try to do right by the players.

I hope they intend to make it a new habit.


I’ve moved on to greener pastures. (Actually probably another reason I likely wouldn’t get onto CC, I’ve said I play this game before.)

If they add player housing someday (WITH ACTUAL CUSTOMIZATION) perhaps my passion will come back. Thus far I’m just here cheering on those who want customization in general added.


Your FF14 characters are so cool looking, Fallynn! Also, is that the dragon from Monster Hunter?


Haha thanks so much! I’m an altaholic on that game though. I wish it was more alt friendly…

I think they added Rathalos as a promotion to FFXIV, it’s a quest chain you have to do, then run a raid (…a lot…) to get the mount currency (or a lucky drop). So yeah! But they added it with proper lore. I love how he looks, especially the eyes.


I think Player Housing AND the slider bar customization range, in full, from the… shall we say, “Thorough,” games should be added into WoW for every single race somehow.

I mean, the worst part about me for WoW is that there’s basically no actually meaningful way to personally customize my toon in game.

I think the big three to quickly help WoW out are:

  • EVERY race needs AS MANY sliders and options as possible, and all races equal yet different
  • Player Housing, done right, if no plots make a movable before dropping it foundation item, with items, mat’s, patterns, and especially decorations and collectibles EVERYWHERE throughout the game
  • Story. A single coherent story, from the start of Vanilla all the way through to Shadowlands both should and likely would improve player retention

This all above AND a fix to getting brand new players sensibly into the ongoing story they currently just get plopped into with literally no idea why?

would truly help.


Yeah. Judging from what I’ve heard, if I ever do get around to playing it I’ll avoid alts entirely. Just one character for me, maybe Miqo’te (that’s what I had in 1.0, and I enjoyed that character till I quit at level 4 haha).


San’layn customization or DR stuff could go a long way for BEs getting options after losing visual uniqueness allowing BE fans two visually distinct set of options like VEs.


Yeah and another thing I and many other folks have suggested would be a “Roleplay mode” or “Explore mode” of mobless, achivementless dungeons more people can enter just for the general area and atmosphere.

Instanced housing would be fine, but garrisons failed so miserably due to lack of customization at all. They could bring life to professions if they added housing items that way.

FFXIV has a dye system even for housing items so like… yeah. Sigh.

I know it’s a big no-no to compare the two games but honestly like the customization of FFXIV blows WoW out of the water. And yeah, people will say PvE is way more important and shouldn’t be taken away from for that sort of customization.

It just tells me that the game has strayed away from folks like me who like customization, storybuilding, and roleplay.

WoW serves as a great place to collect stuff, something I used to like to do, but not strictly anymore. I want to collect stuff for my story and character. With customization so lacking it’s just really lackluster, ESPECIALLY moving to a game that has far greater customization.

(and actually cares about noncombat professions, I can make good currency that way.)


That’s awesome! I’ve never even played a Monster Hunter game before, but I recognized him from Smash Bros. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seeing your screenshots is making me want to give FF14 another go. I got to around level 25 or so before quitting. It’s just hard for me to get into other MMO’s after playing WoW for so long.


It’s the movement controls.

WoW actually does keyboard movement and piloting disturbingly well for what is basically a VR type setting.


If the AR Megathread gets low enough, I know I shouldn’t ask, however if anyone has real, substantive posts to make?

It could use some sensible bumps.


I hear you.

Every other MMO I play tends to feel “weird and different” because they aren’t WoW.


UGH YEAH that was a gigantic problem for me, honestly. And obviously (I mean… you still see me here on the forums, lol) letting WoW go entirely is just so difficult. I really, really want more customization for the community and didn’t want everything we shared to go to waste.

And it’d be nice if we were listened to so it didn’t feel so cutthroat all the time, too.

Letting the stories I built & collections I did go was the hard thing. Again, especially with how alt unfriendly FFXIV is, and I like building many stories for many alts.

I’ll be honest with you, ARR (the story you stopped in) really isn’t that great and I was so bored with it. I had to skip to the first expansion, Heavensward, to actually get hooked on the game due to the story. Only then was I able to actually enjoy myself.

It’s…, really different, yeah. But I love the Au Ra storyline (there lizard guy you see with the scales among my character screenshots) a lot.

I think the first part of the game (ARR) chases away a lot of people who would otherwise play just because it’s SUCH A DRAG.


I think it’s too hand-holdy.

Now, that isn’t normally bad, however somehow it’s not been fixed yet.

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Feel free to post here suggesting for folks to add ideas to it if you wish!

Yeah it’s a drag and the tutorials aren’t that fun, though I might be a special case as my lover helped me along, he knew the game already when I joined.


I thought that was a given? :grinning:

So, yeah! If folks have ideas, and, if you all see OTHER AR threads not in that list, Fallynn, please let me know? I can add them into my version of your 2nd post.


I tend to compare all mmos to swtor, eso comes closest I think as far as having voice acting but also character involvement that I enjoyed.

But I’m giving ffxiv another shot soon too I left off in heavensward after doing the arr thing


I can definitely agree on that.

WoW movement and combat just feels so smooth.


I always feel so lost when I start a new MMO.

I couldn’t ever permanently quit WoW. Not after all the time I spent with all my characters. But it would be nice if I could get into other games, so I could have things to play whenever I get bored of WoW (which is often, these days). :frowning:

Really? I didn’t hate it, but it did certainly feel slow to me. How long does it take to complete it all?