San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

If anyone from the race/customization request megathread communities got onto that council, the main important thing would be to make sure a link to a post containing links to all the megathreads would get shared there so everyone has a voice.

The post made on the council section should lead into a general explanation on how there is an interest in certain races becoming playable and how new customization options for existing races are a popular request, given that player characters are very important to players in way or another. As well as mentioning how such additions to the game help keep players interested in playing long term.

Obviously, this needs to be fleshed out, but the thing is that the council poster just needs to refer to our megathreads to showcase how our playable races or customizations would look like and such. It’d be up to megathread owners to make sure their respective megathreads are presentable.

If I somehow got onto that council, I’d make sure every megathread got a voice on there. Even if it is a race I don’t quite agree with. It’s only fair that anyone on that council be impartial in such a way and not go into business for themselves or to spite others.

They’re apparently still adding people to the council, so we’ll see if anyone happens to get in if anyone applied to it. As I said, the post to go on there would need a lot of fleshing out to lead into presenting all the other megathreads in general.

This is assuming that the council in general will lead to something, but we’ll see what happens in the future. Still a good thing to keep up with the support of various megathreads in general on here, too! :wine_glass::bat:


That’s one of the reasons I’ve been collecting a list.

I agree with all your points.


Try to find one that update their OPs regularly or with OP that are still relevant.


Gems in the rough these days. Blizzards ignored us entirely so far for Allied Races and been less than stellar with the customizations…

I try to get the most recent ones at least.

Or the ones that have a huge amount of detail.

This thread is a good example. Detailed and expansive. Plus its been mostly active its entire run.


So, I noticed something.

Unless and until the AR San’layn Community Council thread is made, Blizzard will most likely literally choose to ignore and never admit to this thread’s existence and popularity.

Anyone happen to know a CC member that can make a thread for this amazing race?

Because until one of them does, Blizzard won’t even choose to admit THIS? Is even here.


I think there was one member we tried to get to post some links to the various AR threads. I never saw anything come of it though.

Hope to see San’layn for the Horde, and if Blizzard wants to ignore the work so many have done in their communities to try to show what these races and options could be for players… well… That speaks to Blizzard more than anything.

They could at least mention they see us…


Blizzard chooses to label ALL player posts, ESPECIALLY constructive criticism and feedback, entirely negative.

Please, everyone, actually think about that for a second.

It’s ENTIRELY possible that the players care more about WoW than Blizzard itself.

Honestly, how does that NOT explain the currently in game situation?

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Seems more that the ones who do care a great deal are being hamstrung by a few higher ups. Many of which are supposedly now being curtailed or gone.

I have some hope that things may improve in the future. I do not expect the Community Council to be a good answer though… still a bit early to really see how it all plays out.

Concerning and frustrating that none of the AR or Customization thread folks seem to have gotten a seat at the table though.


Oof that was the worst post our links could have been posted on. Not going to lie. Oh well.

Hopefully it’ll just be a ‘no’ and move on. Your better bet is going to another CC member. Or deleting that reply.



Hm, lemme go find it.



You didn’t make the megathread it’s own post?

Would you please?

I will like and bump it right after, as you created that link dive.


Thank you for deleting it there. I have choice words for how I feel about them and their CC status, but your better bet is talking to a CC who actually has valuable feedback to contribute and won’t have heavy alliance bias/just argue exclusively in favor of high elves. Most of the things on that list including San’layn would be disregarded and likely hated on in the CC forum by them.

I’m confused, what do you mean?


Ah, I don’t know the poster.

It’s post 2 in this thread.

I was going to create a new thread with just your post two, the AR links, on its own, and request a CC member make a thread in the CC to bring them all to Blizzard’s attention.

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That’s fine, you’re free to do that. I don’t start threads anymore and am not on the forums much due to harassment and generally no longer wanting to deal with toxics in the community. A thread index or something could be useful, and you’re free to use the links in my post for it.


Thank you for permission.

I just wish people were more … adult, about others and their ideas, especially given how few times Blizzard has in total chosen to listen to their players over the years.


I read your post, and was going to reply. I don’t feel I should be the one to make such a thread, as I don’t personally think we need more Allied Races. I’d rather they focus on fully new races.

Plus, as Fallyn has said, we have a bunch of animosity between each other, as I don’t believe San’layn work in the lore right now. I’m not against them adding San’layn later if they add lore to justify it, but unlike Fallyn, I don’t personally believe the lore supports it currently. (I also understand she does believe it does, and I’m not going to change her mind and she won’t change mine, so I’ve opted to just ignore this thread for god knows how long)

Though I love how she acts like I’m pro-high elf, when I’ve always fought for more void customizations. However, when they made it clear they weren’t making more customization options for Allied races, I opted to settle for trying to get normal skin/hair colors, as despite what Fallyn likes to think, High Elves do exist in the Alliance, and although I didn’t want them as an Allied Race, it’s better than leaving Void Elves with three shades of blue skin and like 5 hair colors.

I’ve also said in other threads I’d be perfectly happy with them removing the “High Elf” options if they add more Void Customization. I never would have opted to defend the inclusion of normal skin/hair colors (well, except black and white hair, because those do fit the void elves aesthetic) if we knew they were going to add more customization. They outright told us they weren’t doing more allied race customizations, then blindsided us out of nowhere with the announcement about the 9.1.5 updates.

EDIT: And before you point out I’m using a normal skin color, it’s literally because I don’t like the blueberry skin colors we have. I’d gladly switch to a grey/black color if we had access to it. But the current void skin colors we have make us look like we’re sick or belong in Willy Wonka’s factory.

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That would be nice, yes. People who take things out of the forums and into other areas of social media are very immature, and I have much stronger words for folks who do that that I can’t use here on the forums. But alas, some people will go full out attack mode over opinions on pixels in a video game, hence me virtually turning my back on things here.

I’ll post from time to time or update things when people ask me nowadays but definitely am more negative than I used to be. I also don’t really respect the idea of the community council at all given toxic people they tend to like to add over people with actual feedback.

those of us who have contributed ideas in multiple areas on here for years will go ignored as usual. Blizz doesn’t care and that much is obvious.

Good luck though, maybe you can get the ideas out there more than us. Who knows.


There’s literally a smear campaign being run by some forum posters on twitter against me trying to paint me as racist by using out of context posts. So that’s literally the first thing I’ve related to you on I think ever.

That said, unlike you and your thoughts on me being in the CC, you’re someone I think would work well in the CC, because you give a very opposing viewpoint on pretty much everything as me (except for the basic human decency things, which we agree on, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. being bad lol), and for me, I think having different voices is important.

Anyway, I just wanted to let ya know I saw your post Turgin, and that if I were more passionate about Allied Races, I would, but I feel like people should only post about things they are passionate about, otherwise it’s not very helpful feedback.


I’ve explicitly said I wanted more lore added for San’layn and not for them to be added willy nilly out of the blue.

That said, there’s nothing more I need to say on the subject. If a CC member creates a thread of customization/AR ideas, great. I doubt they will, and these threads have been going for years anyway, so Blizzard probably has already seen them at some point and either dismissed them or will look into them some other time.


You know, thinking on it, if anyone shares the index post from Fallynn’s post, it might be a good idea to add link to the main post of the San’layn megathread on the index post itself.

Yes, I realize the post is within the San’layn megathread and it is a bit silly, but if the post gets linked, then it’ll show San’layn within those links and it’ll more likely lead people to there and show people want San’layn as opposed to potentially missing it.

I also might suggest making that index list alphabetical, possibly separating the threads into two sections. One that is for races (customization or full on races) and another for customization options specific threads, just to make it a bit easier to look through it.

Just trying to help with suggestions is all! :wine_glass::bat:


I appreciate that much, and that’s fair. We can come to an agreement on that one wholeheartedly, at least. And I’m glad to see we agree on those important viewpoints as well, in the end those are extremely important. I think there’s many things the game needs to improve on for representation in all areas and needs to be a lot better with depictions of folks in general.

As for CC, in the end I doubt I’ll make it on even if I wanted to, I haven’t played the game in a while and that might be a factor if I’m going to be completely honest.

Edit: I dunno I just made a megathread index and add to it when people want stuff added. It’s better to have it as its own thread but I’ll keep that post there too because I think people do use it.