San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Like I said, I have zero issues with San’layn options should they add the lore to back it up. My issue has always been using the existing story to justify it. :stuck_out_tongue:


In my case, I don’t want San’layn added without lore, it’s one of the main things I want to see expanded. If customization, through something like a night-warrior-like questline.

The only thing I don’t think needs lore to be added is Dark Ranger customization (though I would prefer if lore was just to see how they’re doing since some would have turned their backs on Sylvanas and such…)

Yeah, I prefer WoW combat by a lot to be honest. Though I’m was very frustrated with Shadowlands tanking before I left.

Clearly I can’t either .-.

A REALLY LONG TIME like level 25 is slow going (you’re not even close to halfway, for example), it’s post patch ARR that takes even longer. I didn’t hate it so much but it really was a slog, yeah.


Oof! That sucks.

You’ve already convinced me to try it out again though. I want to see if I like the game any better after doing the ARR stuff.

Plus, I never even got my Chocobo, so I’ll at least have that to look forward to when I return. I’ve heard you can decorate them, which is cool. I’d like to make mine pink if possible lol.


Haha I hope you have fun! I’ll have to add you if you roll on my world server. Plus the gpose screenshot stuff is AMAZING. IT’s how I took those fun screenshots. I’ll have to spam more here sometime if it becomes relevant again.


Thanks! I don’t even remember what server I chose to be honest. I believe it started with a D though lol.

Yeah, those screenshots look incredible! I’ll have to try making some of my own once my character actually looks good, and doesn’t look like a complete clown. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’d love to see them.


Not surprising.

WoW’s story has been going down hill ever since Cata imo, starting with the whole Aspects losing their powers for no reason thing. And then this expansion just butchered it to hell.

It’s a shame too. I used to love WoW’s story.


So, as I honestly try to never bump my own threads…

Is anyone willing to please make a post in the PSA Megathread?

Fallynn, I realize it’s maybe WAY too early for you to post a well thought out post on the Human Vampire AR idea you mentioned above, however…

We COULD actively brainstorm together in said thread, which would be great to set a standard of people actually discussing even further AR ideas…?

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I bet you could take some amazing ones! Gods it’d be cool if they added stuff like that to WoW. Evidently there’s an addon in WoW that can do it but I’ve never used it. Things like lighting adjustment and filters would be really cool.

Haha I will share them in a ‘hidden’ arrow soon to not spam this thread!

I could rant about this all day. Then they made it worse in Legion… Legion is my favorite expansion (I joined in Cata, mind you) but that was one part I really didn’t like (along with the whole random leggo drop thing)


I have a post on that already linked in my second post here but will show my support in it for you!


… A reach, perhaps, albeit could be interesting if done right.

Disney’s Gargoyles, or at least, WoW’s version thereof.

They exist in game. Yes, the lore would have to be developed from scratch.

Just a thought starting out here. I would have them be at least an AR to the San’layn and BE’s, and either an offshoot mutation of San’layn for some created and sensible lore reason, OR, some kind of elevated Scourge, as we don’t know yet if in game Gargoyles are actually sentient or normally able to gain it.


Well if afterlife races are added then that’s taken care of through Stoneborne, so there’s that. There’s no Stoneborne megathread that I know of, but there’s an ‘afterlife races’ megathread that’s linked in the second post!


Really? Cool.

I have yet to memorize that list.

I may now need to do so.


This is pretty much the consensus from what I gather.

We don’t want a situation like Sand Trolls/Wildhammer/High Elves where they’re just added as a customization with no explanation.

As for an Allied Race, there would have to be an intro quest that explains their situation and potentially a rep you have to grind beforehand. So it’s less of an issue there.

Well we have Kael’Thas, the one whom the died serving, and Venthyr, the apparent source of Blood Magic, so the active points are already there to be messed with and added on.

And as said above, they could be an Allied Race and have an Intro Quest or be a Customization and have a Night Warrior type event rewarding the Customization.


BE Kael fans always talk about him returning to Quelthalas to rule and I do not think Lorthemar deserves that treatment and it sounds just bad enough blizzard would do that so keep him far away from the kingdom he betrayed tyvm


Rebuttal: Void Elves

(Aka sadly a questline doesn’t mean they’ll explain it well lol)

San’Layn (And Dark Rangers/Ogres/Forest Trolls) have one major advantage over them.

They already exist.

That’s true with literally anything in the current state of the game.


That’s fair! I don’t mind Kael coming back but I prefer the missing blood princes myself, along with finding out the origin of Dreven. That is something I really wish they tackled in BfA that wasn’t ever touched, and due to the fact that it could be multiple sources, a story could definitely be built like Death Knights from it.

It’d be a good way to do a ‘help fight the scourge’ patch considering the San’layn are tacticians and would know the ins-and-outs. If we ever return to Azeroth and tackle that, anyway.

But yeah I am bias toward wanting to know more about those missing blood princes.


As far as the BE / VE / HE idea goes, I’d personally just put it in game where each character has access to all of those race’s customizations while just choosing at char gen either Horde or Alliance.

And, just like everyone else, include a quest line to unlock access to the other playable faction.

Oh, and all BE / HE / VE 's would have access to Silvermoon. And can talk to each other as if they were all in Cross Faction Instances together.

I’d likely not count this all towards overall balance points for the race, at least not anything in a large enough to matter way.

I just… kinda see it as silly, however, what I’d LOVE to know is how to keep both sides of the players happy, although I had this idea from before the Cross Faction Instancing announcement from Blizzard.

I made a thread on it a while back, sure wasn’t too well received at the time sadly!

I guess each different type of the three types, B, V, H, could be different factions within one overall race?

To reflect this on Alliance side, at least something based on this idea with more room for the differing types of Dwarfs could work.

I would still bring back the Eredar and put them as an option for Draenei instead of as their own race. If anything, JUST to drive the rather seemingly not worked on Draenei some much needed story development.

San’layn deserve to have its own allied race. But contrary to Wildhammer Dwarves and Taunka (and many other ones :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:), they need to be introduced in the Horde in a good way.

BfA could have been a good opportunity with Blood Prince Dreven and his followers. But sadly it didn’t happen.

But we can still have hope to have them as allied race.

  • We still have “famous” San’layn (Prince Atherann + Prince Theraldis ) with an unknown status.

  • We can have a new San’layn leader like Blood Prince Dreven in BfA.

  • Is Blood-Princess Thal’ena still alive? Archaedas is still “alive” (World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms) if I remember well.

  • We had the Blood Marquis and San’layn Neophytes as San’layn in BfA so we can have other San’layn later for sure.

The good questions are: why and how can they rejoin the Horde? What benefits can they have if they rejoin the Horde?

We could have that (*):
San’layn want to find a new purpose with the Horde and not to be a “soul without purposes”. Mostly when the Forsaken and the Dark Rangers find their place in the Horde and they share the same fate as them (undead condition).

We will see how the San’layn will convince the Horde to accept them in their rank.

Seeing the interactions between Forsaken, Dark Rangers and San’layn could be pretty interessing too. After all, they shared the “same fate” due to the Scourge and the Lich King.

(*) Please keep in mind it’s just an idea, we can find other things or ideas. :grinning:


I know this is already known and posted in this thread, BUT…

A race that’s literally Halloween all year is NOT a bad thing at all.

The potential ties, or being likewise tied, as the Forsaken would be, to both the Addams Family and the Munsters would be story wise useful from a player perspective, and, also at least humanize the various playable racial undead in game.

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