Index/Compilation of Amazing Customization Suggestions Threads

Fallynn of the San’layn megathread has list of all the race request megathreads if you’d like to see what all is out there:

Some that need to be added to your list include the Saberon and Arakkoa megathreads, both created by Lore-Herod.



As well as the Jinyu/Ankoan megathread, created by Rorrand-Wyrmrest-Accord:

Keldar-Sargeras also has a Wildhammer/Dragonmaw megathread:

I think that is all, but please be sure to check out the list Fallynn made too to make sure!

That said, thank you for linking to my megathreads! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: