2 PTR Accounts = No Classic Beta

Can you please confirm that 2 PTR accounts is the limit across all properties?

Meaning that if you have 2 PTR accounts for WoW Retail, you CANNOT get an invite to Classic Beta or the Stress test.

Really, you only should need a single PTR license for World of Warcraft as it pulls from your entire Battle.net account.

That said, participation on the PTR shouldn’t have any impact on your ability to be invited into Beta.


Your Accounts list specifically has a “Create PTR account” button to allow people to have 2 PTR accounts. Examples include multi-box testing, or testing specific interactions by using two accounts yourself.

However, clicking the button again will say that you cannot have 3 test accounts.

I’m still suspicious of that.

I’m not certain why you asked the question if you feel you need to doubt the answer.

Feel free to submit a ticket to have one of the PTR accounts removed if you wish.


Simply because of the statement that we “shouldn’t” have exactly what the tool intentionally provides.

This is the the important part…

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Sorry for the confusion, Eloraell. I did edit my earlier sentence, but you had already quoted the old version.

As I said, feel free to contact Support directly to have one of the PTR licenses removed. It shouldn’t impact your ability to be invited into beta, as I don’t believe a beta account is considered to be a “test” account like a PTR license is, but it may cause an issue.


I did not know that. I have 6 game accounts and 2 PTR, so that may actually be more significant.

Just to follow up, as I try to correct information when I have it wrong. I made some inquiries on how the current system works and it does appear that having two PTR accounts can impact your ability to receive an invite into alpha/beta testing.

[Removing line, as it is causing some confusion]

Edit: I just received word that we’re working with our Battle.net team and they will be working to go through the list of recent invitees (who have two PTRs) and remove the extra PTR account so they can reflag for Stress test participation. I don’t have an ETA but we hope to have this completed soon.


This is critical for some of us that HAVE had one of our PTR’s Removed.

How do we get a fresh push? We have the emails, but no ability to download the Beta client.

I submitted a ticket right after to remove those accounts. Whether its 8 or 2 PTR, the PTR ones had to go.

Thanks for the follow up though. This is becoming a significant issue for many people with two PTR accounts (mainly because its so easy to click a link and have one appear with no way to remove it).

I appreciate the hard work :slight_smile:


I was just told that this could not mess it up and that the reddit post that “we” got this from was incorrect. that was told to me by a chat agent

Good to know the issue has been narrowed down. Now is there any chance for a fresh rollout of emails again? Or are we out of luck this go around. Thanks for your effort.

I argued with Vrakthris on this, and he did the hard yards to find out. Given he did the extra work, I trust this answer more than any of the off-the cuff ones.

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So V, can those of us affected by your mistake get beta access?

I would imagine we’re out of luck, but then, once the accounts are removed, we’re back in the running for Beta.

I edited my previous reply, but for those who may not have seen it…

I just received word that we’re working with our Battle.net team and they will be working to go through the list of recent invitees (who have two PTRs) and remove the extra PTR account so they can reflag for Stress test participation. I don’t have an ETA but we hope to have this completed soon.


omg thank you V your the man I had mine removed and got told tall tails by a chat support agent but you have restored my faith. yall need a support chat team specifically for classic issue I would be more then happy to give yall my 12 years of CS specialties.


So I knew having 2 PTRs was the issue so I removed one of them. I did receive the stress email invite when I had 2 PTRs. Others besides me also removed one or two PTRs after the email invite. Are we considered for the re-flag?

What happens to the people who contacted already to have the license removed prior to this finding?