Stress Test / Access Issues - Update

Hey all,

Just for visibility.

As many may already know, there were issues with the stress test invitation system where players were selected and emails were sent out. However, not everyone who was invited had their account flagged for access.

Bliz has updated situation and it breaks down as:

  1. Having two (or more) PTR licenses active on a battlenet account is preventing a stress test license to apply.
  2. If you previously had two PTR licenses, you can contact Support to have one of them removed to make room for the stress test license.
  3. This will not immediately grant a stress test license, however, the Battlenet team is going to rerun the invite scripts to catch all those who were passed over due to having two PTR licenses.
  4. You don’t have to contact Support if you don’t want. When the script reruns, it will scan for those with two PTR licenses and automatically remove one to make room.
  5. There’s no ETA on when the Battlenet team is going to rerun the script.

Another note: A Battlenet account has a max of eight Wow licenses, active or not. If you have all of them used up, it very possible that you’ll not have room for the stress test license. This appears to not be the case.

And as always, watch for fake emails that are attempting to phish your Battlenet credentials! The “From” field cannot be trusted as it can be set to display whatever the sender wants. Only the email headers can be trusted when trying to find where it originated from!

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CS re-reviewed the answer after people with 8 Game accounts said they got into Beta and/or Stress Test without issue. I don’t think the Test accounts and the Game accounts have a shared max limit.

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Excellent. I’ll edit that part. Thanks, Eloraell!


If you didn’t get an invite, and have two PTR accounts, you should request them removed (at least one), so that this problem won’t reoccur for the next stress test, or beta.