Received Stress test email - no access

You know this is bad though when CS is down completely

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took them 30 mins to get it done, I did it at around 12:00 pm


same took me 10-15 mins

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Defiantly was posted 3 hours ago

says right on the post LOL

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That was 19hrs ago.

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we had the idea before he posted the plan, but he did recommend it so. point?

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Please Blizz…

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE STRESS TEST ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


just proving blue did tell us to contact CS awhile ago

So I guess all of us that contacted CS are screwed then?


it appears that way.

They posted the blue post about stress test apparently they have reached the full needs for testing, and that they seem to have messed us up.

Imagine contacting blizzard for help and support, is what actually hurts us…nice. lovely logic


F in chat boys

For real??

this is just as bad as fallout 76 deleting itself… but worse because you cant ever play it lawl

i dont think this means that those who received the invite already but are unable to download are affected.

I mean we can’t download so maybe they removed the flag.

If I dont get in because of a bug in the PTR/Stress Test ENABLEMENT…I cannot even tell you how gutted I am going to be.

So that’s it then? Those of us who contacted CS this afternoon are screwed?