WoW Classic Stress Test 1

Probably related to this:

Had to edit most of the markup as I’m not a trust level where I can do that stuff. But anyhow…

Not the point.

The person I was replying to got an email but saw no account added. However, I found out last night there’s a limit to the number of game accounts you can have on a Battle Net account. So if they have 8 like I did, they will never get another account added.

I so want to see hundreds of level 1’s attacking hogger

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When I’ve check this morning for a second my launcher shows classic beta (only) then a second later clasic & stress, I’ve got excited that I get into the actual beta but no, only stress…

I have 8 accounts not including my PTR account and I see the beta stress test account.

Conclusion: I was right and CS was wrong.

The common thread is “not 2 PTR accounts”.

Count me in, I received the invite today. I will see you folks later!

Has there been any resolution for those of us who received an invite last night but still haven’t received updates to our launchers?

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Its the waiting game to find out what they figured out from this mishap.

Thanks hun. Just to be on the safe side I will have the one removed :slight_smile:

Oh, so what you’re telling me is that I -thought- I got accepted into the beta, but really just got added to the stress test.

Big sad days

I got an email saying I had access. Is that legit?

AHHH I just found the stress test invite in my spam folder. Can someone tell me how long the download takes? I’ll have about 40 minutes from when I get home from work before the test starts.

I know the Beta realm is down during the stress test. Is it down for the full 24 hours, or will it be back up after your specific 2 hour testing window?

Download was about 15 minutes for me its much smaller than live, only about 4gb.

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DL is 4GB and took like 10 minutes :slight_smile:

Edit: Put MB and not GB lol

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Blizzard are sending emails. as to whether your’s is legit or not i cant comment.

The invite looks like a poster. Also make sure what you got is from Blizzard.

That warrior looks a little optimistic raising his shield at Ragnaros.

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I received an email from Blizzard Entertainment, Inc <> that says I was invited; but, it doesn’t give me any options in the browser to download any classic wow test clients. Just two different Public test realms are on there. Am I doing something wrong or is it just not available to be seen yet. I did not receive
access to the beta earlier.