Received Stress test email - no access

they never said to do that other people told us to do that

I dont believe any Blue told us to do that.

We just tried everything we could.

Huge RIP though, if we dont get it in the next 30 min, I’m sure we are screwed.


1108 posts

Customer Support


Just to follow up, as I try to correct information when I have it wrong. I made some inquiries on how the current system works and it does appear that having two PTR accounts can impact your ability to receive an invite into alpha/beta testing.

If you haven’t already, please submit a ticket to have that second account removed.

Edit: I just received word that we’re working with our team and they will be working to go through the list of recent invitees (who have two PTRs) and remove the extra PTR account so they can reflag for Stress test participation. I don’t have an ETA but we hope to have this completed soon.


Thank you!

Not to derail the argument but…

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Except they literally said just that?


my bad he did say that

Dany just wanted to trigger us, but we have the Blue post telling us to delete it.

but in the end all we can do is wait

That post was made an hour ago…

…everyone contacted CS HOURS ago…

No way your ticket got answered that quickly.

You know this is bad though when CS is down completely

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took them 30 mins to get it done, I did it at around 12:00 pm


same took me 10-15 mins

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Defiantly was posted 3 hours ago

says right on the post LOL

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That was 19hrs ago.

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we had the idea before he posted the plan, but he did recommend it so. point?

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Please Blizz…

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE STRESS TEST ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


just proving blue did tell us to contact CS awhile ago