2 PTR Accounts = No Classic Beta

That would be great. I got my extra PTR removed by CS, so hoping that the reflag will happen before the stress test starts so I can participate. Thanks for narrowing this down so it won’t affect anyone again. Guess if we miss it, you could always just give those of us affected normal Closed Beta keys, sure we won’t mind :slight_smile:

In the same boat. Had my extra PTR account removed via CS already and hoping that it doesn’t exclude me from the reflag.

Thank you Vrakthris for your help with this and for tracking down the problem, and also thank you for the helpful communication.

I’m still waiting for the removal, but I didn’t get an email so I’m guessing I’m on the outside even with them removed.

Wait… I removed my second ptr account, how will they know I had 2 now?? I got the email too

I had both PTR accounts removed, will that cause any issues?

Thanks so much, friend! CS helped me remove the 2 PTR accounts already. Will this disqualify me from the re-flag?

they will most likely check the logs of errors last night and see who got the cant add more ptr error and fix it there, dont lose hope if you already had them removed!!!

You should be fine, they are going to rerun the flagging for everyone impacted. If you have an extra PTR account it should be removed automatically and the account flagged, if the extra PTR account was already removed it should just flag you for Stress Test participation.


awesome thank you V

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Should be ok on those that paged CS to remove accounts. Original blue post update said to do this anyway. Second blue post was just poorly worded but was to reassure people who did not have the ptr removed that they wouldn’t need to ask CS to do it for them

I think Vrakthris wins “King of the Forums” today.


GREAT NEWS thank you, some of us was having panic attack from all this since last night.


just got off the phone with CS and the gentleman said he’ll send my information to the team working on this issue because of eligibility? Also removed one of the PTRs… hopefully didn’t screw myself over? idk I think we’re all confused at this point.

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I submitted a ticket asking to have my two PTRs removed and got told that the PTRs weren’t the issue and they weren’t removing them anymore. Is it possible for me to just submit another ticket to try to get them removed now? That’s a bit frustrating that I tried earlier today to get it removed and was told no, he wouldn’t do it.

ETA: thanks for the update though, that is very much appreciated!

Thank you so much!

I sent a ticket in even though I already have Beta Stress Access. The reason Vrakthris is because when I received the invite, a second PTR was added to my account and I am worried this COULD NOW have an impact on future closed beta invites to Classic WoW.

My ticket is just sitting open… :frowning:

May as well close it. They’re going to handle it for you without the need for a ticket.

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I did one via ticket, and then found a way to get a live chat going…got that sucker deleted.

If I didn’t get an email, and aren’t being reflagged (at this time) I still need those PTR accounts removed for a chance at beta.