WoW Classic Stress Test 1

That is the correct email. They made a post about the problem they seem to be having with invites. It is under support.

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Yes its driving me nuts now, I tried everything I could. I am wondering if all this time we had beta.

Ahh okay hope so.

Testing a whole couple of hours until level five oh joy.

All Downloaded and rdy to Test TY Blizzard…

How much time does it take to get started?

So it seems:


Yeah that’s my thread. I guess it pays to be skeptical when you’re right. (As long as you’re right.)


The DL is about 10 minutes if that is what you are asking. As far as it not crashing and being able to play, who knows lol

Thank you for the opportunity to test. I have to work but my gf is going to log for me and play to level 5. I am interested as well to test further and play normal beta. My work schedule is good for it for the next few months. Thank you for your time and hard work guys. Fingers crossed =)

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mine was 68 as well, <crosses fingers, we got beta too?>

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Thanks for the stress test invite.

Might be streaming it.

Looking forward to seeing the community.


Thanks for the Stress Test invite, I’ll be sure to do my best to help test it out, even if it means breaking the server. :sweat_smile:


You have 24 hours, the stress test is lasting for 2 hours. It helps to read posts.


Thank you, Lok’tar Ogar!!!


guess I lucked out in the no hassle dept. only ever had one ptr, got my invite last night. got home today after work and took a minute to download and I’m looking forward to checking it out then running around as a level 5 for a day!

Does being invited to the stress test mean that my chances for being invited to beta sink to 0%?

No impact.

Thank you!

same! i’m grateful to be able to help


Thank you Blizzard! literally best birthday present ever giving by a game!

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